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Multiple hard drive detection - M.2 nvme SSD/SATA SSD/HDD detection on main OSDCloud GUI with combo box #145

Open osdcloudcline opened 1 month ago

osdcloudcline commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] Feature request is not related to any problems Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. Use Powershell to detect, then list, all installed hard drives in a combo box and allowing the user to choose the install drive where image is applied. OSDCloud would somehow then use the user's desired choice as destination drive for the OS deployment.

Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. I considered diskpart before invoking Start-OSDCloudGUI. Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. Would any Win32_Disk (Or other CIMInstance) to gather further info like disk # or drive info & size (like diskpart can somewhat retrieve)

Although I can't provide a screenshot of my idea, here is a text based sketch....

Disk Number (Label) Storage Device (Label) -list disk #'s in the combo box - list detected drives here


Disk Number and Storage Device (Label)

show detected disk numbers with corresponding drives/sizes in the combo box

Then the choice gets passed onto the code when the user clicks Start button on OSDCloudGUI

gwblok commented 3 days ago

This is a pretty large request due to changes in the GUI to list local drives for selection What if in the GUI, I added a checkbox in the menu that said For MultiDisk, automatically install OS on smallest SSD drive? (or similar)

IF more than one local disk was found, it would first check for SSD drives, then choose the smallest of the drives installed to be used as the OS Drive. It would always basically default to the smallest drive, unless the smallest drive was not an SSD, it would then use the larger SSD. Priority: SSD -> Smallest Disk

Would that solution meet your needs?

gwblok commented 3 days ago

@AkosBakos @JM2K69 for thoughts on this?

AkosBakos commented 3 days ago

I was only using OSDCloud for notebooks with only one disk. As @gwblok mentioned for GUI change sounds a bit hard to cover. Even when we would talk here about volumes, it would maybe sense for notebooks as well.

For scripting/automation, the choice is always at your side, @osdcloudcline when you use the CLI.