OSDeploy / OSD

OSD Shared Functions
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-ZTI always downloads the esd instead of choosing the custom wim. #154

Closed oingobo closed 1 month ago

oingobo commented 1 month ago

I'm attempting to use OSDCloudUSB to lay down offline VLSC media, zero touch. The .Wim is saved to the USB in E:\osdcloud\os\windows 23 H2\install.wim

I'm using the following command. Edit-OSDCloudWinPE -StartOSDCloud "-OSName 'Windows 11 23H2 x64' -OSLanguage en-us -OSEdition Enterprise -OSActivation Volume -ZTI"

For some reason, the script wants to always pull an .ESD even though the Wim is located in the right spot and matches the global variables.

AkosBakos commented 1 month ago

Use this switch: -FindImageFile https://www.osdcloud.com/archive/under-review/wim#findimagefile

gwblok commented 1 month ago

@oingobo, please respond if you still need assistance. I typically start OSDCloud via a script instead of a single command line, which gives me a lot more power.

I have a sample of how I start OSDCloud: https://github.com/gwblok/garytown/blob/master/Dev/CloudScripts/SettingOSDCloudVarsSample.ps1

I then use Edit-OSDCloudWinPE -startnet "https://win11.garytown.com" which will trigger my scripts I keep on github.

oingobo commented 1 month ago

Thank you both for responding so quickly.

I needed to use volume media* (VLSC) and leverage -ZTI. I ended up converting the install.wim from the VLSC the media to an ESD and renamed it the same as the windows 11 23h2 feature update esd. This way your logic thinks the media on the USB drive is a cached copy.

The OSDCloudUSB process is now, boot from thumb and the next screen is Autopilot OOBE with the assigned username.

Thank you for all you do.

*Because we want to make WHFB enrollment optional on Entra ID only Windows 11 device. This didn't come until April release.