OSDeploy / OSD

OSD Shared Functions
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Start-OOBEDeploy issue #20

Open ronmanp opened 2 years ago

ronmanp commented 2 years ago


I'm having issues where Start-OSDCloud won't automatically copy X:\OSDCloud\Config\OOBEDeploy\OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json to C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json but from the same WinPE media I can run Start-OSDCloudGUI with the same values and OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json will be copied which allows me to run Start-OOBEDeploy without parameters after the restart. This is how I execute Start-OSDCloud. Am I supposed to include an additional parameter to tell it to copy OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json ?

Start-OSDCloud -OSVersion 'Windows 11' -OSBuild 21H2 -OSEdition Enterprise -OSLanguage en-gb -ZTI -Restart

Thank you!

OSDeploy commented 2 years ago

Start-OSDCloudGUI was not intended to be 1:1 with Start-OSDCloud, so this functionality was not added to OSDCloud Command Line. They are both "different" frontends to OSDCloud. I'll review this in a few weeks to see what the best path forward is, but I don't have a solution at this time

T-Doschke commented 2 years ago

in your Script define $global:startosdcloudGUI as in start-osdcloudgui.ps1 defined. Emulate what start-osdcloudgui.ps1 does (fill the global OSDCloudGUI Parameters like the gui does). Start-OSDCloudGUI starts at last step Start-OSDCloud giving this script the global definition which start-cloud.ps1 reads into his own $global:StartCloud variable. Real Solution was to implement the Parameters into Start-OSDCloud.ps1 so we dont have to build our own $Global:StartCloudGUI definition. Have done it this way and it works