OSDeploy / OSD

OSD Shared Functions
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Pre-load one or more Wi-Fi XML profiles and attempt to make a connection #60

Open skyblaster opened 1 year ago

skyblaster commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. It's related to a lack of WPA3 support. See: https://github.com/OSDeploy/OSD/pull/56 https://github.com/OSDeploy/OSD/pull/69 If working with an older Wi-Fi chipset, you cannot connect to a WPA3/WPA2 mixed network due to the current implementation not attempting to fallback to WPA2PSK mode.

Describe the solution you'd like Pre-load exported Wi-Fi profiles (netsh wlan export profile key=clear) and treat Wi-Fi like a wired connection by attempting to make a connection before or at the start of Start-WinREWiFi Example: https://gist.github.com/skyblaster/d61d0137afb718e4420fad4f19baf162