OSDeploy / OSDBuilder

PowerShell Module
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WARNUNG: This OSMedia does not have the latest WSUSXML (Microsoft Updates) #66

Closed FLeven closed 1 year ago

FLeven commented 2 years ago

OSDBuilder | OSD

Even if I follow: WARNUNG: Use the following command before running New-OSBuild WARNUNG: Update-OSMedia -Name 'Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Desktopdarstellung x64 1809 17763.2300 de-DE' -Download -Execute

The WARNING will never disappear.

GuyEllingham commented 2 years ago

+1. OSDBuilder and OSD Using Windows 10 x64 21H2 plus November cumulative 5007186 which should bring the build to 19044.1387. It stays on 1348. I've redownloaded and executed to create updated media but New-OSBuild still produces 'This OSMedia does not have the latest WSUSXML".

OSDeploy commented 2 years ago

You are going to have to look in the log for the Cumulative Update and see what is preventing the update from applying. This should be at OSBuilds\\info\logs*Update-CumulativeOS*.log

ps959 commented 2 years ago

The fix for this for me was to run the commands with Powershell ISE (x64) not the (x86) one. Make sure it's an elevated command prompt. Odd thing is I had to run OSDBUILDER -Update with a non elevated account first.

FLeven commented 2 years ago

I always run OSDBuider in an Admin-Shell and never use the ISE. The Warning still comes up on both 2019 and 2022 Server builds.

SilentlyContinue27 commented 2 years ago

Edit: It appears that the issue detailed in my below post was unrelated to this thread. Since fixing that issue, I am now experiencing the issue in this thread where New-OSBuild indicates that the OSMedia is not fully updated regardless of actual update state. Interesting.

WARNING: This OSMedia does not have the latest WSUSXML (Microsoft Updates) WARNING: Use the following command before running New-OSBuild WARNING: Update-OSMedia -Name 'Windows 10 Enterprise x64 21H2 19044.1826' -Download -Execute

Edit 2: Get-OSMedia still shows NeedsUpdate : True despite being on the newest available LCU/update lists...

Edit 3: Ok, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/release-health/release-information shows that Version 19044.1865 is live as of 7-26-22, so it's possible that OSDBuilder is looking for 19044.1865 but unable to download it? Interesting.

That being said, both my computers are still at 19044.1826, just like what OSDBuilder is downloading, with no option to update to 19044.1865.

Edit 4: Bahh, including -verbose on get-osbuilds and get-osmedia show that the updates are indeed Not being installed... Looking at logs as a previous post instructed. Any direction would be great. Thanks

Something is not adding up here. Why is the build and version numbers changing if -Verbose show's that the updates are not applying? I'm going to try installing the media to see what it actually is... More to come.

Edit 5: Despite getosbuilds -verbose showing that the cumulative update is Not installed, it is in fact installed. This is confirmed both by uploading to ConfigMgr, which shows the correct build of 19044.1826, as well as deploying the media and the client OS version installed showing the correct OS version of 19044.1826.

So all told, we have a few things going on. Despite update-osmedia installing updates correctly, as evidenced by installing the OS with those updates in tact, there are several OSDBuilder functions that are showing that the updates are not getting installed, including:

OSBuild logs.zip

Let me know if you would like me to try anything else.



Previous post about running old modules that were downloading old updates:

I was experiencing this issue. Updating all modules and restarting VSCode seems to have fixed it for me. I'm not sure if this makes since or not. Maybe my modules were corrupt, and needed to be reinstalled?

OSDBuilder was downloading an older LCU/update list. Confirmed that OSDSUS found the current LCU despite OSDBuilder downloading the old version. I tried Get-DownOSDBuilder, Update-OSMedia, and New-OSBuild with -Download, all referencing the Media name and all download the older LCU. After updating modules, both OSDBuilder and OSDSus get the newest updates.

What I did to fix it:


    Get-OSDBuilder -SetPath  $OSDBuilderPath -UpdateModule
    Import-Module OSDBuilder
    Import-Module OSD
    Import-Module OSDSus
    Write-Host "Now close and re-run Powershell/VSCode as admin/elevated." -foregroundcolor yellow

get-module osd* | select Name, Version | fl Name : OSD Version : ( previously before update fixed the process ) Name : OSDBuilder Version : ( Same ) Name : osdsus Version : ( Same )

VSCode info: Version: 1.69.2 (system setup) Commit: 3b889b090b5ad5793f524b5d1d39fda662b96a2a Date: 2022-07-18T16:12:52.460Z Electron: 18.3.5 Chromium: 100.0.4896.160 Node.js: 16.13.2 V8: OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19044 Powershell Module v2022.7.2 Run as Elevated Admin

Media: MediaType : OSMedia ModifiedTime : 7/27/2022 4:34:12 PM Superseded : False NeedsUpdate : True Revision : OK Updates : Update Name : Windows 10 Enterprise x64 21H2 19044.1766 ( OSDBuilder could not update beyond this until I updated modules and restarted VSCode ) OperatingSystem : Windows 10 Arch : x64 ReleaseId : 21H2 RegBuild : 19044 UBR : 19044.1766 Version : 10.0.19044.1766 MajorVersion : 10 MinorVersion : 0 Build : 19044 Languages : {en-US} EditionId : Enterprise InstallationType : Client ImageName : Windows 10 Enterprise OSMFamily : Client Enterprise x64 19044 en-US FullName : C:\Power\OSDBuilder\OSMedia\Windows 10 Enterprise x64 21H2 19044.1766 CreatedTime : 3/3/2022 2:17:59 AM OSMGuid : aaf88d50-c7d7-4eaf-b167-71b2ca1453da OSMFamilyV1 : 20220303021759Enterprise

Old Updates downloaded by OSDBuilder ( Before updating the module, it is now getting newest ): ssu-19041.1704-x64_c01ad66716dc695d7aa1afab622e2d8be0eb2d65.cab windows10.0-kb5007401-x64_f1bf61d834bb8d9951c7efa23454643daae195b0.cab windows10.0-kb5010524-x64_39a338080df5a19e491a1f19ac57117cb8944cba.cab windows10.0-kb5011577-x64_f6239f5a4459e95dbd3346f178e2836a19f42586.cab windows10.0-kb5013624-x64-ndp48_6f79154c6a693ba11ccaf009e3f65c70ccbda282.cab windows10.0-kb5013887-x64-ndp48_aa0da938276607c9736d87066ade1776dafd7aa5.cab windows10.0-kb5014699-x64_202eb4370b02f689b4904b69f13076b66ce5e1f1.cab

Correct/Newest Updates found by OSDSus: get-osdsus -updatearch x64 -updatebuild 21h2 -updateos "Windows 10" where { $PSITEM.updategroup -notlike $Null} select kbnumber, updategroup, filename KBNumber UpdateGroup FileName

5015807 LCU Windows10.0-KB5015807-x64.cab 5013887 DotNetCU Windows10.0-KB5013887-x64-NDP48.cab 5014032 SSU SSU-19041.1704-x64.cab 5013624 DotNetCU Windows10.0-KB5013624-x64-NDP48.cab 5011577 ComponentDU SafeOS Windows10.0-KB5011577-x64.cab 5010524 SetupDU Windows10.0-KB5010524-x64.cab 5007401 ComponentDU Critical Windows10.0-KB5007401-x64.cab