OSDeploy / OSDCloud

OSDCloud is a process to fully deploy a Windows OS from a WinPE Environment
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Support creating & using a mirror for Dell drivers #12

Open iamacarpet opened 2 years ago

iamacarpet commented 2 years ago

Not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but Dell's download site "downloads.dell.com" is maxing out at near dial-up speed.

Their support says it is related to maintenance, but it's been like it for 2+ days and they don't see that as a problem.

It would be nice to support the creation (externally) then usage of a mirror instead of Dell directly.

It's currently testing the feasibility of using OSDCloud as our default imaging technology, as the Dell bit currently adds another 6 to 12 hours, even on our 1Gbps connection :).

I understand this is open source and this is by no means a demand, but it would be interesting to know if this is affecting anyone else.

I'd love to contribute this feature, but it certainly isn't my wheel house.

OSDeploy commented 2 years ago

This sounds expensive. There is probably 0% that a mirror will be created. That's an incredible cost ... but if you move to OSDCloud Azure, you can have your own DriverPack container to handle this


iamacarpet commented 2 years ago

Thanks @OSDeploy ,

Appreciate the tip about the Azure storage, I'll look into it - that's basically all we want, the ability to load the driver packs from our own storage bucket, I wasn't implying you set up a public mirror or anything.

I'll try and dig into the code myself, but the question I'd like to answer is:

Can this be made to support Google Cloud storage buckets or arbitrary https URLs?

It's unlikely we'll be able to use Azure, but we can very easily drop it onto a bucket on GCS.