OSDeploy / OSDCloud

OSDCloud is a process to fully deploy a Windows OS from a WinPE Environment
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Warn about disk wipe for Invoke-OSDCloudZTI #2

Open jgstew opened 3 years ago

jgstew commented 3 years ago

Might be good to include a warning message at the start about the disk being wiped without prompting / all user data will be lost and use Ctrl+C to stop everything if wiping the disk is not desired.

I do realize most people using this SHOULD be a ware, but seems like a good thing to add.

OSDeploy commented 3 years ago

Keep in mind the OSDCloud Git Repository is an example on how to call Invoke-OSDCloudZTI.ps1. You should be making your own OSDCloud Repository and putting your own custom script. Here is the documentation on why this script was placed in here https://osdcloud.osdeploy.com/get-started/invoke-osdcloud