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lighting sensor #220

Closed winy57 closed 4 years ago

winy57 commented 4 years ago


I have a question about the use of schedules. In the example given here http://documentation.opensmartgridplatform.org/Protocols/OSLP/v0.6.1/SetSchedule.html, you use a lighting sensor. This sensor does not communicate directly with the SSLD, but with the platform which then sends a SetTransition to the SSLD, right? Or this sensor is included on the SSLD ??

Thanks, Mickael

rtusveld commented 4 years ago

Hello Mickael,

you are right, the sensor doesn't communicate directly with the SSLD. It will communicate with the GXF platform and then send the SetTransition message to the SSLD. Of course it's also posible to add a sensor to a SSLD, but this will be a more costly solution and the SSLD is in our case installed in a closed space with no daylight available. For us the central solution switching a lot of SSLD's on the same time, based on a single lighting sensor seemed the most logical solution.

If you have any additional questions, let us know!


winy57 commented 4 years ago

Hello Robert,

Thank you for your answer which confirms my understanding. Our wish would indeed be to have a brightness sensor on each source station, and not on each SSLD. We currently have a Lumandar but this one is not connected to the SI but simply sends a signal to the power grid. Is the sensor you use available on the market, or is it a homemade and protected design?

Thanks, Mickael

rtusveld commented 4 years ago

Hi Mickael,

Yes the sensor has been developed by Elster, part of Honywell. I have a flyer of the SSLD that we are using at Alliander. See FPLS und LCB760 Flyer Entwurf 0.2.pdf

Please let me know if the information is suitable for you!


winy57 commented 4 years ago

Hi Robert,

Thank you for this documentation! I know the LCB760 box, or rather its successor which integrates the modem, I am already in contact with WM Systems. But the brightness sensor is not integrated in this box. It is thus Elster which manufactures it? Do you have a reference of this brightness sensor?

Thanks, Mickael

rtusveld commented 4 years ago

I'm not familiar with these brightness sensors. For GXF these are hidden behind a RTU (IEC 61850), which translates to sensor information into a boolean which indicates whether it is light or dark for a specific lightmeasurement device.

Best regards, Robert