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ConfigurationManagement.GetConfiguration response is incomplete #245

Open ThE-MaRaC opened 3 years ago

ThE-MaRaC commented 3 years ago

Boolean values (isTestButtonEnabled and isDhcpEnabled) from OSLP GetConfigurationResponse are not correctly mapped. OSLP GetConfigurationResponse

Received OSLP Response (before callback): getConfigurationResponse {
  status: OK
  lightType: LT_NOT_SET
  relayConfiguration {
    addressMap {
      index: "\001"
      address: "\001"
      relayType: TARIFF
    addressMap {
      index: "\002"
      address: "\002"
      relayType: LIGHT
    addressMap {
      index: "\003"
      address: "\003"
      relayType: LIGHT
  shortTermHistoryIntervalMinutes: 15
  preferredLinkType: LINK_NOT_SET
  meterType: MT_NOT_SET
  longTermHistoryInterval: 1
  longTermHistoryIntervalType: DAYS
  timeSyncFrequency: 86400
  deviceFixIpValue: "\300\250\000d"
  netMask: "\377\377\377\000"
  gateWay: "\300\250\000\001"
  isDhcpEnabled: true
  communicationTimeout: 30
  communicationNumberOfRetries: 5
  communicationPauseTimeBetweenConnectionTrials: 120
  ospgIpAddress: "\250?aA"
  osgpPortNumber: 12122
  isTestButtonEnabled: true
  isAutomaticSummerTimingEnabled: false
  astroGateSunRiseOffset: -900
  astroGateSunSetOffset: 600
  switchingDelay: 1
  switchingDelay: 2
  switchingDelay: 3
  switchingDelay: 4
  relayLinking {
    masterRelayIndex: "\002"
    masterRelayOn: false
    indicesOfControlledRelaysOn: "\003\004"
    indicesOfControlledRelaysOff: "\003\004"
  relayRefreshing: false
  summerTimeDetails: "0360100"
  winterTimeDetails: "1060200"

SOAP GetConfigurationResponse

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:GetConfigurationResponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.opensmartgridplatform.org/schemas/configurationmanagement/2014/10" xmlns:ns3="http://www.opensmartgridplatform.org/schemas/common/2014/10" xmlns:ns4="http://www.opensmartgridplatform.org/schemas/devicemanagement/2014/10">

TestButtonEnabled and DhcpEnabled booleans are present in the XSD (configurationmanagement.xsd), but they were not sent in the response.

kevinsmeets commented 3 years ago

Those fields are indeed missing from the XML response. Thank you for reporting this issue, @ThE-MaRaC :) I created a JIRA ticket: https://smartsocietyservices.atlassian.net/browse/OC-731

ThE-MaRaC commented 3 years ago

I can provide a pull request with the correction.

ThE-MaRaC commented 3 years ago


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ThE-MaRaC commented 3 years ago

Is there any specific reason why this correction is still not merged? Do you need anything else from my side?