OSGeo / PROJ-data

Repository for proj datum grids (for use by PROJ 7 or later)
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Japanese geoid GSIGEO2011 v2.1 #49

Closed hernando closed 3 years ago

hernando commented 3 years ago

Added jp_gsi agency and GSIGEO2011 geoid grid for Japan mainland.

Validation performed with https://vldb.gsi.go.jp/sokuchi/surveycalc/geoid/calcgh/calcframe.html The points have been choosen by hand-picking a few arbitrary locations more or less evenly distributed across Japan The CRS is JGD2011.

    Lat     Lon      geoid h (m) reference error (mm)
    34.290  135.630  39.861751   39.8601    1.65
    36.103  140.087  40.180027   40.1817   -1.67
    43.217  143.129  30.636525   30.6389    2.37
    38.675  139.886  40.129904   40.1281    1.80
    36.344  137.654  42.895498   42.8956   -0.10
    33.179  130.063  32.303586   32.3036   -1.40
    39.801  141.322  41.886693   41.8862    0.49

The RMS is 0.9471 mm.

hernando commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to regenerate the index with GDAL 3.1.3 and PROJ 7.1.1 but it the script makes a lot of changes. The last commit was done with 3.1.4RC2?

hernando commented 3 years ago

@rouault I wonder whether the document with the "permission for use" from GSI should be attached.

rouault commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to regenerate the index with GDAL 3.1.3 and PROJ 7.1.1 but it the script makes a lot of changes. The last commit was done with 3.1.4RC2?

I've just regenerate the index with GDAL master. The changes were due to change in forward slash escaping in GeoJSON

rouault commented 3 years ago

@rouault I wonder whether the document with the "permission for use" from GSI should be attached.

@kbevers Opinion ? We might possibly store it in the repo if it isn't too big (but make sure this is excluded from the tarball). Another option would be to send it to the OSGeo secretary so it is collected with other legal-like documents.

kbevers commented 3 years ago

Another option would be to send it to the OSGeo secretary so it is collected with other legal-like documents.

I would say that this is the right course of action.

FYI, I plan on releasing 7.2.0RC1 and PROJ-data 1.3RC1 on sunday or monday. It would be great if we could get this merge before that.

hernando commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to regenerate the index with GDAL 3.1.3 and PROJ 7.1.1 but it the script makes a lot of changes. The last commit was done with 3.1.4RC2?

I've just regenerate the index with GDAL master. The changes were due to change in forward slash escaping in GeoJSON

I've compiled GDAL's master but I get an undefined symbol error when trying to import the Python module. (demangled with c++filt it's OGRFlatGeobufLayer::OGRFlatGeobufLayer(char const*, char const*, OGRSpatialReference*, OGRwkbGeometryType, _IO_FILE*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool))

rouault commented 3 years ago

@hernando Can you send the permission for use doc to secretary@osgeo.org (explaining a bit the context because Astrid won't be necessarily aware)

I've compiled GDAL's master but I get an undefined symbol error when trying to import the Python module

Make sure to 'make clean' before rebuilding. Anyway I'll merge this PR right away, and regenerate for you since I'm setup for this

hernando commented 3 years ago

@hernando Can you send the permission for use doc to secretary@osgeo.org (explaining a bit the context because Astrid won't be necessarily aware)

Will do.