Since 3.10.0, reprojecting from GPKG/FlatGeoBuf/Parquet uses the Arrow optimized code path. But the way we dealt with a temporary array was incorrect when writing to Parquet/Arrow ...
coverage: 73.704% (+0.003%) from 73.701%
when pulling e69c6dfc135048bcf2e49b5175e938f1b412a1e6 on rouault:ogr2ogr_reproject_arrow_compat_to_paruet
into 9b5cc408ebfe3fa896ce24fe9a93014e99fea974 on OSGeo:master.
Since 3.10.0, reprojecting from GPKG/FlatGeoBuf/Parquet uses the Arrow optimized code path. But the way we dealt with a temporary array was incorrect when writing to Parquet/Arrow ...
Workaround: add