Closed schwehr closed 5 years ago
to false appears to make it work.
A bit more info. The gdalinfo that I'm trying with reports:
gdalinfo --format netcdf
Format Details:
Short Name: netCDF
Long Name: Network Common Data Format
Supports: Raster
Supports: Vector
Extension: nc
Help Topic: frmt_netcdf.html
Supports: Subdatasets
Supports: Open() - Open existing dataset.
Supports: Create() - Create writable dataset.
Supports: CreateCopy() - Create dataset by copying another.
Creation Field Datatypes: Integer Integer64 Real String Date DateTime
<Option name="HONOUR_VALID_RANGE" type="boolean" description="Whether to set to nodata pixel values outside of the validity range" default="YES" />
Other metadata items:
NETCDF_VERSION=4.6.2 of Nov 20 2018 06:04:35 $
gdalinfo reports this about the file:
gdalinfo | egrep -i 'convention|1\.7|vocab' | grep NC
NC_GLOBAL#keywords_vocabulary=NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keywords, Version
NC_GLOBAL#Metadata_Conventions=Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
NC_GLOBAL#standard_name_vocabulary=CF Standard Name Table (v35, 20 July 2016)
The files have invalid ranges for Area and Temp:
ncdump | grep valid_range *.ncdump.txt
Area:valid_range = 0s, -6s ; <-- OUCH
Temp:valid_range = 0s, -6s ; <-- OUCH
Mask:valid_range = 0s, 245s ;
Power:valid_range = 75.f, 50000.f ;
DQF:valid_range = 0b, 5b ;
minimum_fire_temperature:valid_range = 600.f, 1200.f ;
maximum_fire_temperature:valid_range = 600.f, 1200.f ;
mean_fire_temperature:valid_range = 600.f, 1200.f ;
minimum_fire_area:valid_range = 4000.f, 4000000.f ;
maximum_fire_area:valid_range = 4000.f, 4000000.f ;
mean_fire_area:valid_range = 4000.f, 4000000.f ;
minimum_fire_radiative_power:valid_range = 75.f, 50000.f ;
maximum_fire_radiative_power:valid_range = 75.f, 50000.f ;
mean_fire_radiative_power:valid_range = 75.f, 50000.f ;
percent_uncorrectable_GRB_errors:valid_range = 0.f, 1.f ;
percent_uncorrectable_L0_errors:valid_range = 0.f, 1.f ;
A python demonstration of HONOUR_VALID_RANGE
def testHonourValidRange(self):
# Area has an invalid valid_range of 0:-6
filename = ''
filepath = 'NETCDF:' + self.getTestFilePath(filename) + ':Area'
# ERROR 1: band 1:
# Failed to compute statistics, no valid pixels found in sampling.
with gcore_util.ErrorHandler('CPLQuietErrorHandler'):
src = gdal.OpenEx(filepath)
band = src.GetRasterBand(1)
stats = band.GetStatistics(False, True)
self.assertEqual([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], stats)
src = None
src = gdal.OpenEx(filepath, open_options=['HONOUR_VALID_RANGE=FALSE'])
band = src.GetRasterBand(1)
stats = band.GetStatistics(False, True)
self.assertEqual([0.0, 8896.0, 53.08108108108107, 625.4866665265016], stats)
src = None
src = gdal.OpenEx(filepath, open_options=['HONOUR_VALID_RANGE=TRUE'])
band = src.GetRasterBand(1)
stats = band.GetStatistics(False, True)
self.assertEqual([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], stats)
src = None
The issue is known to the processing team. Their readme's are in the process of being updated, so don't have all the details yet
It's possible to fix the netcdf GOES files like this (and for Temp and Power):
dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(dst, 'r+')
area = dataset['Area']
area.setncattr('valid_range', numpy.array([-32768, 32767], dtype=numpy.int16))
del dataset
Or remove the valid_range.
This may be already fixed in head. I am currently investigating. I've been using an older version from debian testing. There could be an error in my usage of gdal, in gdal reading the netcdf, or an error in the convention inside of the GOES files. I checked through ~20K files with GDAL and got no valid pixels in Area or Temp.
I am able to see data in the Mask, Power, and DQF bands. I get a
Checking via python, it looks like there are no pixels other than -1 coming back from the file.
Double checking with xarray, I do see data:
A sample visualization in Earth Engine so folks have a sense of what it looks like: