Closed pathmapper closed 2 years ago
Original datasource:
FeatureType: xplan:BP_AusgleichsFlaeche
For me on Windows with binaries from
gdalinfo --version GDAL 3.6.0dev, released 2022/99/99
ogrinfo test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml
ERROR 1: Failed to connect to port 80 after 21166 ms: Timed out
INFO: Open of `test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml'
using driver `GML' successful.
1: BP_AusgleichsFlaeche (Polygon)
ogrinfo test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml BP_AusgleichsFlaeche
INFO: Open of `test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml'
using driver `GML' successful.
Layer name: BP_AusgleichsFlaeche
Geometry: Polygon
Feature Count: 4
Extent: (378666.730000, 5714695.641000) - (410604.084000, 5721458.711000)
Layer SRS WKT:
PROJCRS["ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N",
@jratike80 that looks good :)
Just built a current docker image locally
sudo docker run --rm -v /home:/home osgeo/gdal:alpine-small-latest ogrinfo --version
GDAL 3.6.0dev-e011e1525a5d05c89bb136eac742a75f677449bf, released 2022/09/19
but the issue remains:
sudo docker run --rm -v /home:/home osgeo/gdal:alpine-small-latest ogrinfo $PWD/test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml
INFO: Open of `/home/user/Documents/elbe/test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml'
using driver `GML' successful.
1: BP_AusgleichsFlaeche (Unknown (any), Unknown (any))
sudo docker run --rm -v /home:/home osgeo/gdal:alpine-small-latest ogrinfo $PWD/test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml BP_AusgleichsFlaeche
INFO: Open of `/home/user/Documents/elbe/test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml'
using driver `GML' successful.
Layer name: BP_AusgleichsFlaeche
Geometry (symbolPosition): Unknown (any)
Geometry (position): Unknown (any)
Feature Count: 4
Extent (position): (378666.730000, 5714695.641000) - (410604.084000, 5721458.711000)
SRS WKT (symbolPosition):
SRS WKT (position):
Geometry Column 1 = symbolPosition
Geometry Column 2 = position
Right , I had a problem with bypassing our proxy. I fixes that and now GDAL is able to go further with resolving the XML the schema by following the DescribeFeatureType the link of the GML data. I cannot say for sure what happens and if GDAL works as supposed or not but maybe these findings can help you.
For some reason GDAL cannot resolve the XML schema correctly. A workaround with the GML driver is not to analyze the schema but let the driver to read the GML file and build the schema based on the information that the data contains:
ogrinfo test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml BP_AusgleichsFlaeche -oo DOWNLOAD_SCHEMA=NO
Notice that ogrinfo now does not list the other geometry "symbolPosition" because it does not appear in the GML data even it is defined in the schema.
Generally speaking the data in the service are complex features. With this request you can see the whole schema:,
GML driver is not actually right for complex features ("application schema") even the driver tries to resolve the schema and convert data into simple feature data that GIS programs understand and often does that rather well. The right driver for complex GML would be the GMLAS driver, but unfortunately it cannot resolve this certain XML schema completely. With this command you can see what GDAL tries and what happens
ogrinfo gmlas:test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml -oo HANDLE_MULTIPLE_IMPORTS=YES --debug on
The problem is related to this:' not found
. I am not good enough with XML schemas and I cannot say if the schema is defined in a wrong way on the server (seems to be a deegree server) side or if the GMLAS driver cannot resolve the schema even if it is valid. Deegree servers are usually good with XML application schemas but application schemas are complicated.
The concrete issue is that the XML schema has loads of lines like this:
<element name="FP_VorbehalteFlaeche" substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature">
and GDAL cannot resolve them.
I wonder why this command do not find the srsName even I expected that it would
ogrinfo test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml BP_AusgleichsFlaeche -oo FORCE_SRS_DETECTION=YES
By the gml:_Feature
is OK
Type names are in mixed case with a leading capital; the names of geometric properties and attributes are in mixed case with a leading lower case character. The names of abstract elements are in mixed case with a leading underscore (e.g. _Feature) to highlight their abstract character.
If you want you can try to find out if gml:_Feature
should be found from here
<import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
It may also be that your acute problem with missing SRS and geometry type is caused by some other reason but application schemas are complicated.
Fix queued in This requires also to specify the FORCE_SRS_DETECTION=YES open option. When a .xsd is found and understood, the GML driver does not do by default an initial scan of the file content to determine the CRS when establishing the schema. The user has to explicitly asks for it.
Expected behavior and actual behavior.
For the geometry type and SRS are not detected but all features are having a polygon geometry with
.Steps to reproduce the problem.
ogrinfo test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml
ogrinfo test_ausgleichsflaeche.gml BP_AusgleichsFlaeche
Operating system
Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
GDAL version and provenance
GDAL 3.6.0dev-e10d39568c6ab37077f4b6bc2ee3fb93e1e4d41e, released 2022/06/28 (docker osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-latest)