While import GML to Postgresql/Postgis using GMLAS driver, geometries with SRID=0 are generated if local srsName is missing.
GML driver instead correctly uses global srsName specification.
The same behavior for GMLAS driver would be highly desirable.
Expected behavior and actual behavior.
While import GML to Postgresql/Postgis using GMLAS driver, geometries with SRID=0 are generated if local srsName is missing. GML driver instead correctly uses global srsName specification. The same behavior for GMLAS driver would be highly desirable.
Steps to reproduce the problem.
ogr2ogr -f Postgresql PG:"..." GMLAS:"/path/to.gml" -oo REMOVE_UNUSED_LAYERS=YES -oo REMOVE_UNUSED_FIELDS=YES -oo XSD="https://repository.gdi-de.org/schemas/de.xleitstelle.xplanung/5.4/XPlanung-Operationen.xsd" -lco SCHEMA=xplanung
File: to.gml
GDAL version
GDAL 3.2.2