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[FeatureRequest] Add insol_time and npartitions parameters to r.sun.daily #325

Closed PedroVenancio closed 3 years ago

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago


r.sun.daily does not include the insol_time parameter to get the total insolation time between two dates. Also, it does not include the npartitions parameter to read the input files in a given number of chunks.

These are two parameters from r.sun that are missing in the script and that would be very useful.

neteler commented 3 years ago

Do you see a chance to add this in the script and propose it as pull request?


PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Hi @neteler

I can try, but it would be my first attempt to contribute to GRASS code, so I would need some review!

neteler commented 3 years ago

Please try, we'll support you!

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago


I think I managed to add insol_time parameter successfully. At least I can run it in GRASS 7.8.4 and 7.9dev and the output is the expected.

Can you take a look at the code?

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# MODULE:    r.sun.daily; based on rsun_crop.sh from GRASS book
# AUTHOR(S): Vaclav Petras, Anna Petrasova
#            Nikos Alexandris (updates for linke, albedo, latitude, horizon)
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2013 - 2019 by the GRASS Development Team
#                This program is free software under the GNU General Public
#                License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
#                for details.

#% description: Runs r.sun for multiple days in loop (mode 2)
#% keyword: raster
#% keyword: solar
#% keyword: sun energy

#%option G_OPT_R_ELEV
#% key: elevation
#% type: string
#% description: Name of the input elevation raster map [meters]
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% required : yes

#% key: aspect
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Name of the input aspect map (terrain aspect or azimuth of the solar panel) [decimal degrees]

#% key: slope
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Name of the input slope raster map (terrain slope or solar panel inclination) [decimal degrees]

#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
#% key: linke
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Name of the Linke atmospheric turbidity coefficient input raster map [-]
#% required : no

#% key: linke_value
#% key_desc: float
#% type: double
#% description: A single value of the Linke atmospheric turbidity coefficient [-]
#% options: 0.0-7.0
#% answer: 3.0
#% required : no

#% rules
#%  exclusive: linke, linke_value
#% end

#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
#% key: albedo
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Name of the ground albedo coefficient input raster map [-]
#% required : no

#% key: albedo_value
#% key_desc: float
#% type: double
#% description: A single value of the ground albedo coefficient [-]
#% options: 0.0-1.0
#% answer: 0.2
#% required : no

#% rules
#%  exclusive: albedo, albedo_value
#% end

#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
#% key: lat
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Name of input raster map containing latitudes (if projection undefined) [decimal degrees]
#% required : no

#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
#% key: long
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Name of input raster map containing longitudes (if projection undefined) [decimal degrees]
#% required : no

#% key: horizon_basename
#% key_desc: basename
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: The horizon information input map basename
#% required : no

#% key: horizon_step
#% key_desc: stepsize
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Angle step size for multidirectional horizon [degrees]
#% required : no

#% rules
#%  requires_all: horizon_basename, horizon_step
#% end

#% key: start_day
#% type: integer
#% description: Start day (of year) of interval
#% options: 1-365
#% required : yes

#% key: end_day
#% type: integer
#% description: End day (of year) of interval
#% options: 1-365
#% required : yes

#% key: day_step
#% type: integer
#% description: Run r.sun for every n-th day [days]
#% options: 1-365
#% answer: 1

#% key: step
#% type: double
#% description: Time step when computing all-day radiation sums [decimal hours]
#% answer: 0.5

#% key: civil_time
#% type: double
#% description: Civil time zone value, if none, the time will be local solar time

#% key: beam_rad
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
#% description: Output beam irradiation raster map cumulated for the whole period of time [Wh.m-2.day-1]
#% required: no

#% key: diff_rad
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
#% description: Output diffuse irradiation raster map cumulated for the whole period of time [Wh.m-2.day-1]
#% required: no

#% key: refl_rad
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
#% description: Output ground reflected irradiation raster map cumulated for the whole period of time [Wh.m-2.day-1]
#% required: no

#% key: glob_rad
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
#% description: Output global (total) irradiance/irradiation raster map cumulated for the whole period of time [Wh.m-2.day-1]
#% required: no

#% key: insol_time
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
#% description: Output insolation time raster map cumulated for the whole period of time [h]
#% required: no

#% key: beam_rad_basename
#% type: string
#% label: Base name for output beam irradiation raster maps [Wh.m-2.day-1]
#% description: Underscore and day number are added to the base name for daily maps

#% key: diff_rad_basename
#% type: string
#% label: Base name for output diffuse irradiation raster maps [Wh.m-2.day-1]
#% description: Underscore and day number are added to the base name for daily maps

#% key: refl_rad_basename
#% type: string
#% label: Base name for output ground reflected irradiation raster maps [Wh.m-2.day-1]
#% description: Underscore and day number are added to the base name for daily maps

#% key: glob_rad_basename
#% type: string
#% label: Base name for output global (total) irradiance/irradiation raster maps [Wh.m-2.day-1]
#% description: Underscore and day number are added to the base name for daily maps

#% key: insol_time_basename
#% type: string
#% label: Base name for output insolation time raster map cumulated for the whole period of time [h]
#% description: Underscore and day number are added to the base name for daily maps

#% key: solar_constant
#% type: double
#% required: no
#% multiple: no
#% label: Solar constant [W/m^2]
#% description: If not specified, r.sun default will be used.

#% key: nprocs
#% type: integer
#% description: Number of r.sun processes to run in parallel
#% options: 1-
#% answer: 1

#% key: t
#% description: Dataset name is the same as the base name for the output series of maps
#% label: Register created series of output maps into temporal dataset

#% key: p
#% description: Do not incorporate the shadowing effect of terrain

#% key: m
#% description: Use the low-memory version of the program

import os
import atexit
from multiprocessing import Process

import grass.script as grass
import grass.script.core as core


def cleanup():
    Clean up temporary maps
        core.info(_("Cleaning temporary maps..."))
    for rast in REMOVE:
        grass.run_command('g.remove', type='raster', name=rast, flags='f',
    for pattern in MREMOVE:
        grass.run_command('g.remove', type='raster',
                          flags='f', quiet=True)

def module_has_parameter(module, parameter):
    from grass.script import task as gtask
    task = gtask.command_info(module)
    return parameter in [each['name'] for each in task['params']]

def create_tmp_map_name(name):
    Create temporary map names
    return '{mod}{pid}_{map_}_tmp'.format(mod='r_sun_crop',

def run_r_sun(elevation, aspect, slope, latitude, longitude,
              linke, linke_value, albedo, albedo_value,
              horizon_basename, horizon_step, solar_constant,
              day, step, beam_rad, diff_rad, refl_rad, glob_rad, insol_time, suffix, flags):
    Execute r.sun using the provided input options. Except for the required
    parameters, the function updates the list of optional/selected parameters
    to instruct for user requested inputs and outputs.
    Optional inputs:

    - latitude
    - longitude
    - linke  OR  single linke value
    - albedo  OR  single albedo value
    - horizon maps
    params = {}
    if beam_rad:
        params.update({'beam_rad': beam_rad + suffix})
    if diff_rad:
        params.update({'diff_rad': diff_rad + suffix})
    if refl_rad:
        params.update({'refl_rad': refl_rad + suffix})
    if glob_rad:
        params.update({'glob_rad': glob_rad + suffix})
    if insol_time:
        params.update({'insol_time': insol_time + suffix})
    if linke:
        params.update({'linke': linke})
    if linke_value:
        params.update({'linke_value': linke_value})
    if albedo:
        params.update({'albedo': albedo})
    if albedo_value:
        params.update({'albedo_value': albedo_value})
    if horizon_basename and horizon_step:
        params.update({'horizon_basename': horizon_basename})
        params.update({'horizon_step': horizon_step})
    if solar_constant is not None:
        params.update({'solar_constant': solar_constant})

    if flags:
        params.update({'flags': flags})

    grass.run_command('r.sun', elevation=elevation, aspect=aspect,
                      slope=slope, day=day, step=step,
                      overwrite=core.overwrite(), quiet=True,

def set_color_table(rasters):
    Set 'gyr' color tables for raster maps
    grass.run_command('r.colors', map=rasters, col='gyr', quiet=True)

def set_time_stamp(raster, day):
    Timestamp script's daily output map
    grass.run_command('r.timestamp', map=raster, date='%d days' % day,

def format_order(number, zeros=3):
    Add leading zeros to string
    return str(number).zfill(zeros)

def check_daily_map_names(basename, mapset, start_day, end_day, day_step):
    Check if maps exist with name(s) identical to the scripts intented outputs
    if not basename:
    for day in range(start_day, end_day + 1, day_step):
        map_ = '{base}_{day}'.format(base=basename, day=format_order(day))
        if grass.find_file(map_, element='cell', mapset=mapset)['file']:
            grass.fatal(_('Raster map <{name}> already exists. '
                          'Change the base name or allow overwrite.'

def sum_maps(sum_, basename, suffixes):
    Sum up multiple raster maps
    maps = '+'.join([basename + suf for suf in suffixes])
    grass.mapcalc('{sum_} = {new}'.format(sum_=sum_, new=maps),
                  overwrite=True, quiet=True)

def main():
    options, flags = grass.parser()

    # required
    elevation_input = options['elevation']
    aspect_input = options['aspect']
    slope_input = options['slope']

    # optional
    latitude = options['lat']
    longitude = options['long']
    linke_input = options['linke']
    linke_value = options['linke_value']
    albedo_input = options['albedo']
    albedo_value = options['albedo_value']
    horizon_basename = options['horizon_basename']
    horizon_step = options['horizon_step']

    # outputs
    beam_rad = options['beam_rad']
    diff_rad = options['diff_rad']
    refl_rad = options['refl_rad']
    glob_rad = options['glob_rad']
    insol_time = options['insol_time']
    beam_rad_basename = beam_rad_basename_user = options['beam_rad_basename']
    diff_rad_basename = diff_rad_basename_user = options['diff_rad_basename']
    refl_rad_basename = refl_rad_basename_user = options['refl_rad_basename']
    glob_rad_basename = glob_rad_basename_user = options['glob_rad_basename']
    insol_time_basename = insol_time_basename_user = options['insol_time_basename']

    # missing output?
    if not any([beam_rad, diff_rad, refl_rad, glob_rad, insol_time,
                beam_rad_basename, diff_rad_basename, refl_rad_basename,
                glob_rad_basename, insol_time_basename]):
        grass.fatal(_("No output specified."))

    start_day = int(options['start_day'])
    end_day = int(options['end_day'])
    day_step = int(options['day_step'])

    if day_step > 1 and (beam_rad or diff_rad or refl_rad or glob_rad or insol_time):
        grass.fatal(_("Day step higher then 1 would produce"
                      " meaningless cumulative maps."))

    # check: start < end
    if start_day > end_day:
        grass.fatal(_("Start day is after end day."))
    if day_step >= end_day - start_day:
        grass.fatal(_("Day step is too big."))

    step = float(options['step'])

    nprocs = int(options['nprocs'])

    solar_constant = float(options['solar_constant']) if options['solar_constant'] else None
    if solar_constant:
        # check it's newer version of r.sun
        if not module_has_parameter('r.sun', 'solar_constant'):
            grass.warning(_("This version of r.sun lacks solar_constant option, "
                            "it will be ignored. Use newer version of r.sun."))
            solar_constant = None

    if beam_rad and not beam_rad_basename:
        beam_rad_basename = create_tmp_map_name('beam_rad')
    if diff_rad and not diff_rad_basename:
        diff_rad_basename = create_tmp_map_name('diff_rad')
    if refl_rad and not refl_rad_basename:
        refl_rad_basename = create_tmp_map_name('refl_rad')
    if glob_rad and not glob_rad_basename:
        glob_rad_basename = create_tmp_map_name('glob_rad')
    if insol_time and not insol_time_basename:
        insol_time_basename = create_tmp_map_name('insol_time')

    # check for existing identical map names
    if not grass.overwrite():
        check_daily_map_names(beam_rad_basename, grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'],
                              start_day, end_day, day_step)
        check_daily_map_names(diff_rad_basename, grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'],
                              start_day, end_day, day_step)
        check_daily_map_names(refl_rad_basename, grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'],
                              start_day, end_day, day_step)
        check_daily_map_names(glob_rad_basename, grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'],
                              start_day, end_day, day_step)
        check_daily_map_names(insol_time_basename, grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'],
                              start_day, end_day, day_step)

    # check for slope/aspect
    if not aspect_input or not slope_input:
        params = {}
        if not aspect_input:
            aspect_input = create_tmp_map_name('aspect')
            params.update({'aspect': aspect_input})
        if not slope_input:
            slope_input = create_tmp_map_name('slope')
            params.update({'slope': slope_input})

        grass.info(_("Running r.slope.aspect..."))
        grass.run_command('r.slope.aspect', elevation=elevation_input,
                          quiet=True, **params)

    if beam_rad:
        grass.mapcalc('{beam} = 0'.format(beam=beam_rad), quiet=True)
    if diff_rad:
        grass.mapcalc('{diff} = 0'.format(diff=diff_rad), quiet=True)
    if refl_rad:
        grass.mapcalc('{refl} = 0'.format(refl=refl_rad), quiet=True)
    if glob_rad:
        grass.mapcalc('{glob} = 0'.format(glob=glob_rad), quiet=True)
    if insol_time:
        grass.mapcalc('{insol} = 0'.format(insol=insol_time), quiet=True)

    rsun_flags = ''
    if flags['m']:
        rsun_flags += 'm'
    if flags['p']:
        rsun_flags += 'p'

    grass.info(_("Running r.sun in a loop..."))
    count = 0
    # Parallel processing
    proc_list = []
    proc_count = 0
    suffixes_all = []
    days = range(start_day, end_day + 1, day_step)
    num_days = len(days)
    core.percent(0, num_days, 1)
    for day in days:
        count += 1
        core.percent(count, num_days, 10)

        suffix = '_' + format_order(day)
                                       aspect_input, slope_input,
                                       latitude, longitude,
                                       linke_input, linke_value,
                                       albedo_input, albedo_value,
                                       horizon_basename, horizon_step,
                                       day, step,
                                       suffix, rsun_flags)))

        proc_count += 1

        if proc_count == nprocs or proc_count == num_days or count == num_days:
            proc_count = 0
            exitcodes = 0
            for proc in proc_list:
                exitcodes += proc.exitcode

            if exitcodes != 0:
                core.fatal(_("Error while r.sun computation"))

            # Empty process list
            proc_list = []

    if beam_rad:
        sum_maps(beam_rad, beam_rad_basename, suffixes_all)
    if diff_rad:
        sum_maps(diff_rad, diff_rad_basename, suffixes_all)
    if refl_rad:
        sum_maps(refl_rad, refl_rad_basename, suffixes_all)
    if glob_rad:
        sum_maps(glob_rad, glob_rad_basename, suffixes_all)
    if insol_time:
        sum_maps(insol_time, insol_time_basename, suffixes_all)

    # FIXME: how percent really works?
    # core.percent(1, 1, 1)

    # set color table
    if beam_rad:
    if diff_rad:
    if refl_rad:
    if glob_rad:
    if insol_time:

    if not any([beam_rad_basename_user, diff_rad_basename_user,
                refl_rad_basename_user, glob_rad_basename_user, insol_time_basename_user]):
        return 0

    # add timestamps and register to spatio-temporal raster data set
    temporal = flags['t']
    if temporal:
        core.info(_("Registering created maps into temporal dataset..."))
        import grass.temporal as tgis

        def registerToTemporal(basename, suffixes, mapset, start_day, day_step,
                               title, desc):
            Register daily output maps in spatio-temporal raster data set
            maps = ','.join([basename + suf + '@' + mapset for suf in suffixes])
            tgis.open_new_stds(basename, type='strds', temporaltype='relative',
                               title=title, descr=desc, semantic='sum',
                               dbif=None, overwrite=grass.overwrite())

                                                     name=basename, maps=maps,
                                                     start=start_day, end=None,
                                                     dbif=None, interval=False)

        # Make sure the temporal database exists

        mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
        if beam_rad_basename_user:
            registerToTemporal(beam_rad_basename, suffixes_all, mapset,
                               start_day, day_step, title="Beam irradiation",
                               desc="Output beam irradiation raster maps [Wh.m-2.day-1]")
        if diff_rad_basename_user:
            registerToTemporal(diff_rad_basename, suffixes_all, mapset,
                               start_day, day_step,
                               title="Diffuse irradiation",
                               desc="Output diffuse irradiation raster maps [Wh.m-2.day-1]")
        if refl_rad_basename_user:
            registerToTemporal(refl_rad_basename, suffixes_all, mapset,
                               start_day, day_step,
                               title="Reflected irradiation",
                               desc="Output reflected irradiation raster maps [Wh.m-2.day-1]")
        if glob_rad_basename_user:
            registerToTemporal(glob_rad_basename, suffixes_all, mapset,
                               start_day, day_step, title="Total irradiation",
                               desc="Output total irradiation raster maps [Wh.m-2.day-1]")
        if insol_time_basename_user:
            registerToTemporal(insol_time_basename, suffixes_all, mapset,
                               start_day, day_step, title="Total insolation",
                               desc="Output total insolation raster maps [h]")

    # just add timestamps, don't register
        for i, day in enumerate(days):
            if beam_rad_basename_user:
                set_time_stamp(beam_rad_basename + suffixes_all[i], day=day)
            if diff_rad_basename_user:
                set_time_stamp(diff_rad_basename + suffixes_all[i], day=day)
            if refl_rad_basename_user:
                set_time_stamp(refl_rad_basename + suffixes_all[i], day=day)
            if glob_rad_basename_user:
                set_time_stamp(glob_rad_basename + suffixes_all[i], day=day)
            if insol_time_basename_user:
                set_time_stamp(insol_time_basename + suffixes_all[i], day=day)

    # set color table for daily maps
    if beam_rad_basename_user:
        maps = [beam_rad_basename + suf for suf in suffixes_all]
    if diff_rad_basename_user:
        maps = [diff_rad_basename + suf for suf in suffixes_all]
    if refl_rad_basename_user:
        maps = [refl_rad_basename + suf for suf in suffixes_all]
    if glob_rad_basename_user:
        maps = [glob_rad_basename + suf for suf in suffixes_all]
    if insol_time_basename_user:
        maps = [insol_time_basename + suf for suf in suffixes_all]

if __name__ == "__main__":

I was also looking for the manual, to update it, but I can't find it.

The npartitions parameter seems more difficult, because it depends on horizon_basename and horizon_step. Maybe I can leave it for another time.

Thank you very much!

neteler commented 3 years ago

Great work!

In future, you may just use the edit button on the file in GitHub and save - it will add it as a change and ask you to submit a pull request (you can find some info also at https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/HowToGit).

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Thanks @neteler I didn't knew the edit button, it makes things easier!

BTW, it is not necessary to update the manual to include insol_time parameter documentation?

neteler commented 3 years ago

Yes indeed. If you like, enjoy the edit button :)

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Yes indeed. If you like, enjoy the edit button :)

Is this one @neteler https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-addons/blob/master/grass7/raster/r.sun.daily/r.sun.daily.html ?

My doubt is because this file starts from Description section, it does not have Synopsis, Flags or Parameters sections


veroandreo commented 3 years ago

Yes indeed. If you like, enjoy the edit button :)

Is this one @neteler https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-addons/blob/master/grass7/raster/r.sun.daily/r.sun.daily.html ?

My doubt is because this file starts from Description section, it does not have Synopsis, Flags or Parameters sections

Yes, the parser takes care of those first sections. It takes them from the python file. So you don't have to worry about them.

You can modify the other sections, eg., Description and Examples, to explain the new features added and how to use them in an example using North Carolina dataset

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Yes, the parser takes care of those first sections. It takes them from the python file. So you don't have to worry about them.

Thank you very much @veroandreo ! Now I already see insol_time in manual!

You can modify the other sections, eg., Description and Examples, to explain the new features added and how to use them in an example using North Carolina dataset

I will see what I can do!

wenzeslaus commented 3 years ago

...you can find some info also at https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/HowToGit

Please, you the standard https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md The HowToGit wiki page is for more special cases.