Open Rtutorials opened 3 years ago
Here is a tiny reproducible example, run and there is no way of knowing which of the two points failed. Unzip each folder, drag both sqlite files into QGIS, and run with default settings on the point (examplepoints) and roads (exampleroads) layers
Here is a tiny reproducible example, run and there is no way of knowing which of the two points failed
In general, a really reproducible example includes the commands that need to be run in order to observe the reported behavior/error. This increases the chances to get feedback. Would you mind also providing such commands, please? If possible to be executed in North Carolina sample location.
Edited to add instructions
So you are using from QGIS. Have you tried directly wthin GRASS?
I have no idea of network commands, but I ran in QGIS 3.18 (using Processing toolbox) and default parameters as suggested. This is the log in order to illustrate the reported problem:
QGIS version: 3.18.2-Zürich
Qt version: 5.15.2
GDAL version: 3.1.4
GEOS version: 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3
PROJ version: Rel. 6.3.2, May 1st, 2020
PDAL version: 2.2.0 (git-version: Release)
Processing algorithm…
Algorithm '' starting…
Input parameters:
{ '-g' : False, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001, 'GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER' : 0, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' : None, 'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER' : -1, 'GRASS_VECTOR_DSCO' : '', 'GRASS_VECTOR_EXPORT_NOCAT' : False, 'GRASS_VECTOR_LCO' : '', 'acolumn' : '', 'arc_type' : [0,1], 'input' : '/home/veroandreo/Downloads/exampleroad.sqlite|layername=exampleroad', 'npoints' : -1, 'output' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT', 'points' : '/home/veroandreo/Downloads/examplepoints.sqlite|layername=examplepoints', 'terminal_cats' : '1-100000', 'threshold' : 50 }
g.proj -c wkt="/tmp/processing_epZghN/04c835ec74c8437784dc5f9f214845c2/crs.prj" min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="/home/veroandreo/Downloads/exampleroad.sqlite" layer="exampleroad" output="vector_60a2b07d290bd2" --overwrite -o min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="/home/veroandreo/Downloads/examplepoints.sqlite" layer="examplepoints" output="vector_60a2b07d293b23" --overwrite -o
g.region n=3264589.48762953 s=3264496.23383749 e=342015.110712945 w=341737.191647768 -s input=vector_60a2b07d290bd2 points=vector_60a2b07d293b23 output=net60a2b07d29cd04 operation=connect threshold=50.0
v.db.connect -o map=net60a2b07d29cd04 table=vector_60a2b07d293b23 layer=2 input=net60a2b07d29cd04 arc_type="line,boundary" terminal_cats="1-100000" npoints=-1 output=outputbd663b50926d4a76b1cc9463a71c4827 --overwrite
v.out.ogr type="line" input="outputbd663b50926d4a76b1cc9463a71c4827" output="/tmp/processing_epZghN/d025d4d1375e4c4eafffaf4aa6aa6a2a/output.gpkg" format="GPKG" layer=1 --overwrite
Starting GRASS GIS...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Executing </tmp/processing_epZghN/grassdata/> ...
Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default
Projection information updated
Over-riding projection check
Check if OGR layer <exampleroad> contains polygons...
Creating attribute table for layer <exampleroad>...
Importing 2 features (OGR layer <exampleroad>)...
Building topology for vector map <vector_60a2b07d290bd2@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives...
Over-riding projection check
Check if OGR layer <examplepoints> contains polygons...
Creating attribute table for layer <examplepoints>...
Column name <address ty> renamed to <address_ty>
Column name <geocode ty> renamed to <geocode_ty>
Column name <num of emp> renamed to <num_of_emp>
Column name <employee g> renamed to <employee_g>
Column name <business c> renamed to <business_c>
Column name <monthly te> renamed to <monthly_te>
Column name <monthly ad> renamed to <monthly_ad>
Column name <monthly _1> renamed to <monthly__1>
Column name <monthly _2> renamed to <monthly__2>
Column name <monthly _3> renamed to <monthly__3>
Column name <monthly _4> renamed to <monthly__4>
Column name <monthly _5> renamed to <monthly__5>
Importing 3 features (OGR layer <examplepoints>)...
Building topology for vector map <vector_60a2b07d293b23@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives...
Copying features...
Building topology for vector map <net60a2b07d29cd04@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives...
Copying attributes...
Building topology for vector map <net60a2b07d29cd04@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives... complete. 3 lines (network arcs) written to output.
The table <vector_60a2b07d293b23> is now part of vector map <net60a2b07d29cd04> and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS modules
Select privileges were granted on the table
Number of terminals: 3
Number of Steiner points set to 1
Building graph...
Registering arcs...
Flattening the graph...
Graph was built
ERROR: Terminal at node [3] cannot be connected to terminal at node [6]
ERROR: Vector map <outputbd663b50926d4a76b1cc9463a71c4827> not found
Execution of </tmp/processing_epZghN/grassdata/> finished.
Cleaning up default sqlite database ...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Starting GRASS GIS...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Executing </tmp/processing_epZghN/grassdata/> ...
ERROR: Vector map <outputbd663b50926d4a76b1cc9463a71c4827> not found
Execution of </tmp/processing_epZghN/grassdata/> finished.
Cleaning up default sqlite database ...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Execution completed in 1.69 seconds
{'output': <QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition {'sink':TEMPORARY_OUTPUT, 'createOptions': {'fileEncoding': 'System'}}>}
Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.
• /tmp/processing_epZghN/d025d4d1375e4c4eafffaf4aa6aa6a2a/output.gpkg
You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.
Correct, this is the same error I get. The problem is there is no way to tell which of the three points is causing the failure. Terminal nodes 3 and 6 and just numbers populated by the tool, not the point FIDs. I have never used standalone GRASS.
On Mon, May 17, 2021, 11:14 AM Veronica Andreo @.***> wrote:
So you are using from QGIS. Have you tried directly wthin GRASS?
I have no idea of network commands, but I ran in QGIS 3.18 (using Processing toolbox) and default parameters as suggested. This is the log in order to illustrate the reported problem:
QGIS version: 3.18.2-Zürich
Qt version: 5.15.2
GDAL version: 3.1.4
GEOS version: 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3
PROJ version: Rel. 6.3.2, May 1st, 2020
PDAL version: 2.2.0 (git-version: Release)
Processing algorithm…
Algorithm '' starting…
Input parameters:
{ '-g' : False, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001, 'GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER' : 0, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' : None, 'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER' : -1, 'GRASS_VECTOR_DSCO' : '', 'GRASS_VECTOR_EXPORT_NOCAT' : False, 'GRASS_VECTOR_LCO' : '', 'acolumn' : '', 'arc_type' : [0,1], 'input' : '/home/veroandreo/Downloads/exampleroad.sqlite|layername=exampleroad', 'npoints' : -1, 'output' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT', 'points' : '/home/veroandreo/Downloads/examplepoints.sqlite|layername=examplepoints', 'terminal_cats' : '1-100000', 'threshold' : 50 }
g.proj -c wkt="/tmp/processing_epZghN/04c835ec74c8437784dc5f9f214845c2/crs.prj" min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="/home/veroandreo/Downloads/exampleroad.sqlite" layer="exampleroad" output="vector_60a2b07d290bd2" --overwrite -o min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="/home/veroandreo/Downloads/examplepoints.sqlite" layer="examplepoints" output="vector_60a2b07d293b23" --overwrite -o
g.region n=3264589.48762953 s=3264496.23383749 e=342015.110712945 w=341737.191647768 -s input=vector_60a2b07d290bd2 points=vector_60a2b07d293b23 output=net60a2b07d29cd04 operation=connect threshold=50.0
v.db.connect -o map=net60a2b07d29cd04 table=vector_60a2b07d293b23 layer=2 input=net60a2b07d29cd04 arc_type="line,boundary" terminal_cats="1-100000" npoints=-1 output=outputbd663b50926d4a76b1cc9463a71c4827 --overwrite
v.out.ogr type="line" input="outputbd663b50926d4a76b1cc9463a71c4827" output="/tmp/processing_epZghN/d025d4d1375e4c4eafffaf4aa6aa6a2a/output.gpkg" format="GPKG" layer=1 --overwrite
Starting GRASS GIS...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Executing </tmp/processing_epZghN/grassdata/> ...
Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets
g.region -d
should be run in each to update the region from the defaultProjection information updated
Over-riding projection check
Check if OGR layer
contains polygons... 0..50..100
Creating attribute table for layer
... Importing 2 features (OGR layer
)... 0..50..100
Building topology for vector map vector_60a2b07d290bd2@PERMANENT...
Registering primitives...
Over-riding projection check
Check if OGR layer
contains polygons... 0..33..66..100
Creating attribute table for layer
... Column name
renamed toColumn name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Column name
renamed to Importing 3 features (OGR layer
)... 0..33..66..100
Building topology for vector map vector_60a2b07d293b23@PERMANENT...
Registering primitives...
Copying features...
Building topology for vector map net60a2b07d29cd04@PERMANENT...
Registering primitives...
Copying attributes...
Building topology for vector map net60a2b07d29cd04@PERMANENT...
Registering primitives... complete. 3 lines (network arcs) written to output.
The table
is now part of vector map and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS modules Select privileges were granted on the table
Number of terminals: 3
Number of Steiner points set to 1
Building graph...
Registering arcs...
Flattening the graph...
Graph was built
ERROR: Terminal at node [3] cannot be connected to terminal at node [6]
ERROR: Vector map
not found Execution of </tmp/processing_epZghN/grassdata/> finished.
Cleaning up default sqlite database ...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Starting GRASS GIS...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Executing </tmp/processing_epZghN/grassdata/> ...
ERROR: Vector map
not found Execution of </tmp/processing_epZghN/grassdata/> finished.
Cleaning up default sqlite database ...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Execution completed in 1.69 seconds
{'output': <QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition {'sink':TEMPORARY_OUTPUT, 'createOptions': {'fileEncoding': 'System'}}>}
Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.
• /tmp/processing_epZghN/d025d4d1375e4c4eafffaf4aa6aa6a2a/output.gpkg
You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.
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Edited to add instructions
Perhaps our definition of "instructions" is something else but luckily we are used to analyse unknown data :-)
Prepare data
# check unknown data, is it geospatial at all?
ogrinfo -so -al examplepoints.sqlite
ogrinfo -so -al exampleroad.sqlite
# create GRASS GIS location from dataset
grass78 -c examplepoints.sqlite ~/grassdata/utm17n_test
# import data
v.import examplepoints.sqlite
v.import exampleroad.sqlite
g.region vector=exampleroad -p
Network preparation (connect nodes to lines), with snapping enabled (2m threshold):
(as per documentation, a mandatory step!) -s input=exampleroad points=examplepoints output=network operation=connect threshold=2
Note that nodes are on layer 2, hence one have to enable "show all layers" to see them:
Check attributes network layer=-1
1|1|2864|905|1106087315821|NE 115th St|M|S1400|tl_2020_12075_roads|/Users/REDACTED/Downloads/FLrds/tl_2020_12075_roads.shp|0
2|2|3160|980|1103698308515|NE 85th Ave|M|S1400|tl_2020_12075_roads|/Users/REDACTED/Downloads/FLrds/tl_2020_12075_roads.shp|0
Network analysis
Using (manual):
(hint: to show node numbers on the map enable in the vector display [x] Display topology information (nodes, edges)
) network arc_layer=1 node_layer=2 output=steiner terminal_cats=1-2
Number of terminals: 2
Number of Steiner points set to 0
Building graph...
Registering arcs...
Flattening the graph...
Graph was built
[3] (not reachable) nodes removed from list of Steiner point candidates
MST costs = 14.355000
Number of added Steiner points: 0 (theoretic max is 0).
Steiner tree costs = 14.355000
Building topology for vector map <steiner@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives...
A Steiner tree with 1 arc has been built
So far, so nice.
Indeed, when trying a different set of connections it fails: network arc_layer=1 node_layer=2 output=steiner terminal_cats=1-6
Number of terminals: 3
Number of Steiner points set to 1
Building graph...
Registering arcs...
Flattening the graph...
Graph was built
ERROR: Terminal at node [3] cannot be connected to terminal at node [6]
This is the error message which you have reported.
The question is: is it the data or the algorithm?
This is the image of the network layer with View all layers set to -1. When it says it can't connect 3 and 6, does that refer to n3 and n6 on the map?
The error itself is likely the data, running a dissolve in QGIS fixes the issue for most but not all of these instances
BTW, one can get more details with "mild" debugging:
# deactivate debugging
g.gisenv set="DEBUG=1"
# run Steiner network analysis network arc_layer=1 node_layer=2 output=steiner terminal_cats=1-6 --o
D1/1: G_set_program_name():
D1/1: Imput categories:
D1/1: 1 - 6
Number of terminals: 3
Number of Steiner points set to 1
D1/1: List of terminal nodes (3):
D1/1: 3
D1/1: 2
D1/1: 6
D1/1: Vect_net_build_graph(): ltype = 6, afield = 1, nfield = 0
D1/1: afcol = (null), abcol = (null), ncol = (null)
Building graph...
Registering arcs...
Flattening the graph...
Graph was built
D1/1: Destination node 5 is unreachable from node 3
D1/1: Destination node 6 is unreachable from node 3
D1/1: Destination node 7 is unreachable from node 3
D1/1: Destination node 5 is unreachable from node 2
D1/1: Destination node 6 is unreachable from node 2
D1/1: Destination node 7 is unreachable from node 2
D1/1: Destination node 1 is unreachable from node 6
D1/1: Destination node 2 is unreachable from node 6
D1/1: Destination node 3 is unreachable from node 6
D1/1: Destination node 4 is unreachable from node 6
ERROR: Terminal at node [3] cannot be connected to terminal at node [6]
# deactivate debugging
g.gisenv set="DEBUG=0"
With level 3 is is even more details:
g.gisenv set="DEBUG=3" network arc_layer=1 node_layer=2 output=steiner terminal_cats=1-6 --o
D1/3: Destination node 1 is unreachable from node 6
D3/3: init costs 6 - > 1 = -2.000000
D3/3: find_shortest_path(): from = 6, to = 2
D1/3: Destination node 2 is unreachable from node 6
D3/3: init costs 6 - > 2 = -2.000000
D3/3: find_shortest_path(): from = 6, to = 3
D1/3: Destination node 3 is unreachable from node 6
D3/3: init costs 6 - > 3 = -2.000000
D3/3: find_shortest_path(): from = 6, to = 4
D1/3: Destination node 4 is unreachable from node 6
D3/3: init costs 6 - > 4 = -2.000000
D3/3: find_shortest_path(): from = 6, to = 5
D3/3: init costs 6 - > 5 = 45.948000
D3/3: find_shortest_path(): from = 6, to = 7
D3/3: init costs 6 - > 7 = 245.108000
ERROR: Terminal at node [3] cannot be connected to terminal at node [6]
# deactivate debugging
g.gisenv set="DEBUG=0"
To me it appears to be a problem of the dataset. network arc_layer=1 node_layer=2 output=steiner terminal_cats=1-2 --o
Number of terminals: 2
Number of Steiner points set to 0
Building graph...
Registering arcs...
Flattening the graph...
Graph was built
[3] (not reachable) nodes removed from list of Steiner point candidates
MST costs = 14.355000
Number of added Steiner points: 0 (theoretic max is 0).
Steiner tree costs = 14.355000
WARNING: Vector map <steiner> already exists and will be overwritten
Building topology for vector map <steiner@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives...
A Steiner tree with 1 arc has been built
Steiner Tree found (shown in Orange):
This is the image of the network layer with View all layers set to -1. When it says it can't connect 3 and 6, does that refer to n3 and n6 on the map?
I believe so.
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When the algorithm fails and says two terminals cannot be connected, the user does not know which points are causing the failure. Nodes are given, but that is script generated and there is no way of determining where those are
Describe the solution you'd like The script prints the feature ids of the points or line segments causing the error
Describe alternatives you've considered showing coordinates
Additional context One such instance could cause the whole thing to fail, see