OSGeo / libgeotiff

Official repository of the libgeotiff project
178 stars 69 forks source link

pre-compiled geotifcp.exe #109

Closed dwilbourn618 closed 4 months ago

dwilbourn618 commented 4 months ago

Would it be possible to include a pre-compiled geotifcp.exe for those of that don't have access the Visual Studio and just want to use the exe to create geotifs?

thbeu commented 4 months ago

vcpkg install libgeotiff[tools] produced the desired binaries: tools.zip

dwilbourn618 commented 4 months ago

Thanks, but would it not be better and more useful if the binaries were a normal part of the main github page so people can download and use them without having to get access to Visual C compilers?

rouault commented 4 months ago

This project has not the manpower to provide ready made binaries directly