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Main major development - first tutorial finished #49

Closed MartinKjunior closed 1 year ago

MartinKjunior commented 1 year ago

Finished the first draft of the tutorial webpage. I've seen on analytics that many people have already visited it, hopefully now that it's sort-of useful the website becomes more welcoming and gains additional traffic.

If you know of anyone well-versed in git, please have them review my suggestions to see if I missed anything.

A few things are hard for me to replicate from the point of view of a brand new user since a lot of my software is linked, therefore personalised.

Make the button part of Code section as OSIPI name can have a lot of text

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notZaki commented 1 year ago

Excellent work! The contribution guide looks good. Here's my comments:

MartinKjunior commented 1 year ago

Excellent work! The contribution guide looks good. Here's my comments:

  • For windows users, they might be able to install the require software through winget by running the following commands in a terminal
winget install -e --id Git.Git
winget install -e --id Anaconda.Miniconda3
winget install -e --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
  • I think first time users might not be able to make a commit without configuring their git user name/email with
git config --global user.name "THEIR NAME"
git config --global user.email "THEIR EMAIL"
  • Any thoughts about creating a codespaces template to allow contributions without needing to install anything? I made a quick attempt on this forked branch and the codespace can be launched like in this gif Codespaces


    The codespace should have mkdocs already installed (if launched from that forked branch) and ready to go.

Thank you for the feedback, this is very helpful as this project is the first time I've collaborated with others via GitHub and I'm learning everything on the go.

MartinKjunior commented 1 year ago

@notZaki Just added in changes based on the first two points. Let me know if that's alright. I've also added in a note about the dev containers, happy to include more once it's done. I assume the devcontainer branch would eventually be part of the main github repo, so need to ask @MRdep to add that in (unless you have the privileges as well and can do it).

MartinKjunior commented 1 year ago

@notZaki I've noticed mkdocs-material can be added into the devcontainer by adding mkdocs-material pymdown-extensions, so

  "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/universal:2",
  "features": {
    "ghcr.io/devcontainers-contrib/features/mkdocs:2": {
      "plugins": "mkdocs-material pymdown-extensions"

should configure the container nicely.

notZaki commented 1 year ago

winget can also install the full anaconda with

winget install -e --id Anaconda.Anaconda3

Depends on which the user prefers.

Yes, winget should install git for windows, and the command is mentioned on their downloads page. It's been a while since I've had to do a fresh install of vscode, but I remember it asks something about git bash during the install, but not sure if it installs git too. 🤷

The mkdocs-material addition to the devcontainer looks good to me. You could just create the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json in this branch to try it out.

MartinKjunior commented 1 year ago

@notZaki I've just added in devcontainer.json. It works fine to create a codespace, mkdocs serve builds the local site, but for some reason opening it in a browser always fails for me on this branch. When I tried it on your branch, I could use mkdocs serve and see the local build just fine (it failed for me even when I used the .json from your branch, i.e. no extra plugins). I cannot commit anymore time to this project right now, so I'm leaving it here and once the pull request is accepted, trust that either you or Ben test the codespace and figure out what's going on. Maybe it's just an issue on my local machine. On the next 4.2 taskforce meeting you should also discuss codespace prices and configure maximum number of codespaces per user etc. since this is not a free service.

MRdep commented 1 year ago

A huge number of changes - checked and approved - Thank you Martin for your hard work.