OSIRIS-Solutions / osiris

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Link to install script is broken #25

Closed j4cko closed 4 months ago

j4cko commented 4 months ago

I think I installed osiris (connection to mongodb seems to work at least). Upon start, when it checks if the db was initialized, it correctly realizes it was not and displays a link to "install" (see here). This link, however, does not exist (I get a 404, although I see there is a route defined in migrate.php). How do I complete my installation (initialize the db)? Thanks!

JKoblitz commented 4 months ago

Hi there,

well, thats strange... the route is there and in my test and live system it works.

Have you installed OSIRIS in a subpath? Maybe you have to check the .htaccess file if the RewriteBase is correctly defined? Or maybe you have to set the ROOTPATHvariable in CONFIG.php?

Best, Julia

j4cko commented 4 months ago

Thanks, I was actually missing the RewriteRule to make the router work (RewriteBase is / in my case). After copying the .htaccess file from the simplePHPRouter project I got it to work. Is there a reason why the .htaccess file is not distributed via git?