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10th Anniversary Branding Assets #5

Open brianking opened 6 years ago

brianking commented 6 years ago

From @brianking on September 20, 2017 11:35

We are ordering some special 10th anniversary merchandise to use at upcoming events. Initially these two items.

https://www.usimprints.com/product/travel-tote-luggage-tag-9184479/ https://www.usimprints.com/product/neoprene-portable-electronics-case-with-carabiner-10082865/technology

We will need the branding assets for the order. The creative idea we have is:

Logo + (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) Lifecycle Integration for the Web 10 Year Anniversary [or 10 Years (2007 - 2017)] http://open-services.net

That might be a lot of fit on something small.

From their FAQ:

What art formats do you accept? We prefer high quality vector artwork in .eps, .ai (adobe illustrator), with fonts converted to outlines. We may also accept high resolution .jpg, .gif, .psd, or .pdf files. We can fix your art for free!

cc @m257645 @rersch

Copied from original issue: OSLC/oslc-community#10

brianking commented 6 years ago

From @gabrielfdac on September 22, 2017 17:16


Here's a first draft of the merchandise asset. So far it's quite simple and we can definitely iterate on it.

I noticed that for now there's no colors picked for the merchandises. So I took some of the ones I found as an example

Also given the size of them I don't think we'd be able to fit that much more than what you can see now

Lastly, I think another good idea would be to greyscale or create a monochrome version of the logo (all black for light backgrounds and white for dark ones). As the colors won't work too well. Not to mention they might charge more for having colors. (it's usually cheaper to have basic colors such as white and black)

There are 4 examples in total (and a 5th where I kept the entire info as reference) use your keyboard arrow keys or the menu at the bottom of the link to navigate