OSLC / oslc4net

A dotnet SDK for OSLC
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Use DispatchProxy to support RDF multiple inheritance properly #195

Open berezovskyi opened 5 days ago

berezovskyi commented 5 days ago

Both Lyo and OSLC4NET (incorrectly) assume that every (OSLC) RDF resource has a "primary" RDF type, which has an associated shape. This allows the (un)marshaller to associate a POJO/POCO to this shape and (un)marshal the RDF resource onto a given class. All other rdf:type values are collected in an array.

Of course, this is wrong and is an opportunistic reduction to fit a graph-based RDF model peg where properties do not belong to classes to the OO-world hole where properties belong to classes and dynamic multiple inheritance is not a thing. This impedance mismatch needs to be addressed to be able to work properly with the larger world of Linked Data applications outside OSLC.

One way to deal with this is not to use POCO/POJOs at all. Unfortunately, it only works well for languages that are not statically typed (good RDF libs for Ruby, JS, Elixir, Python; the story with dynamic in C# needs to be evaluated, see ExpandoObject in the std lib). Approaches where data is decoupled from logic work best (Prolog, Clojure). In statically typed languages, the boilerplate amount required is not insignificant and, most of all, using the RDF data without an abstraction often means losing the type safety. For C#/Java, we can try the following abstraction:

Additionally, the https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58453972/how-to-use-net-reflection-to-check-for-nullable-reference-type API in .NET 6+ allows to eliminate the https://github.com/OSLC/oslc4net/blob/main/OSLC4Net_SDK/OSLC4Net.Core/Attribute/OslcOccurs.cs attr from most declarations (i.e. string prop would be ExactlyOne, string? ZeroOrOne, IReadOnlyCollection<string>? would be ZeroOrMany but IReadOnlyCollection<string> can be be OneOrMany or ZeroOrMany - probably good to default to OneOrMany but allow ZeroOrMany via an attribute).

? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominator_(graph_theory)

jamsden commented 4 days ago

I think this is a great idea and moves from a generative to interpretive approach. Marshaling and unmarshaling do take time, but are often at the endpoints of GET and PUT. An interpretive approach moves these data transformations to incremental and per use. This can have performance implications that should be considered.