OSLC / oslc4net

A dotnet SDK for OSLC
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Problem while getting service provider url from RTC 7.0.2 tool with authorization server #23

Open pushpita-sengupta opened 2 years ago

pushpita-sengupta commented 2 years ago

Downloaded this OSLC4Net build and was trying to retrieve data from RTC 7.0.2. The code is getting authenticated at client.FormLogin() and returning a OK status code. But when it is trying to fetch service provider URL based on catalog URL for the respective project area by the "client.LookupServiceProviderUrl(catalogUrl, projectArea);" it is giving the following response --

{"OSLCC004: The requested resource could not be found. "} {StatusCode: 401, ReasonPhrase: 'Unauthorized', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers: { Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="JSA" WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="JSA" X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.0 X-JSA-AUTHORIZATION-URL: https://jazz702-jas.in.kovair.com:9643/oidc/endpoint/jazzop X-JSA-AUTHORIZATION-REDIRECT: https://jazz702-jas.in.kovair.com:9643/oidc/endpoint/jazzop/authorize?client_id=a45241f7523e47938c26a0fb573f3aee&response_type=code&state=security_token1%3DpwXwH5CYJWwSdWMIqE2KVQoJTNvJec6JrJWDg5zURKw%3D%26security_token2%3DC%2BumLl1CViIUQxm2HLp3CxwO0VZuDLR3n8zIi5kE32w%3D%26return%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fjazz702-jas.in.kovair.com%253A9443%252Fccm%252Foslc%252Fworkitems%252Fcatalog%26scope%3Dopenid%2Bgeneral%2Bprofile%2Bemail%2B%26impersonation%3Dtrue&scope=openid+general+profile+email+&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fjazz702-jas.in.kovair.com%3A9443%2Fccm%2Fjsa Set-Cookie: JSA_CSRF_b179c159-8dc3-4ecf-910b-0fe1c5969e5c=153579c3-8bea-44af-9d68-947497117191; Path=/ccm; Secure Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 16:28:58 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache="set-cookie, set-cookie2" Content-Length: 0 Content-Language: en-US Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT }}

Do we need to provide any other header or any other mechanism in order to fetch data from RTC 7.0.2(authorization server) via OSLC4Net? Please provide the required fix for the above problem

pushpita-sengupta commented 2 years ago

I am having error while using this OSLC4Net project for getting data from RTC 7.0.2 having authorization server. hey @berezovskyi , @brianking , @jamsden , @fijshion can u help me on this?

berezovskyi commented 2 years ago

Hi @pushpita-sengupta, we are considering to put some effort into reviving the project and looking for users interested in a .NET OSLC SDK. Could you please contact me via email if you (and/or your company) has a need for a .NET OSLC SDK? My email is visible in my profile.

jadelkhoury commented 2 years ago

Hi @pushpita-sengupta,

I mentioned you and this post on https://github.com/OSLC/oslc4net/issues/25#issuecomment-1113024551

I was hoping that more can join efforts to lift and update this library ?

regards Jad

berezovskyi commented 1 year ago

Hi again @pushpita-sengupta,

I just made an update to the OAuth libs. If you still have the code Jazz interaction and can share a small part of it which relates to reading the Root Services, doing the auth, and fetching a Service Provider Catalog, I would be quite thankful. We already have regular smoke testing of the Java-based code samples against two live Jazz servers (one with the Basic auth and another with the forms-based auth) and would try to do the same for OSLC4Net.

Thanks in advance, Andrew