OSMPH / events

public repo and kanban for organizing mapping events, map-athons, mapping parties, and training workshops, and the like
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Getting more done in GitHub with ZenHub #7

Open govvin opened 8 years ago

govvin commented 8 years ago

Hola! @govvin has created a ZenHub account for the OSMPH organization. ZenHub is the leading team collaboration and project management solution built for GitHub.

How do I use ZenHub?

To get set up with ZenHub, all you have to do is download the browser extension and log in with your GitHub account. Once you do, you’ll get access to ZenHub’s complete feature-set immediately.

What can ZenHub do?

ZenHub adds a series of enhancements directly inside the GitHub UI:

_Still curious? See more ZenHub features or read user reviews. This issue was written by your friendly ZenHub bot, posted by request from @govvin._

ZenHub Board

govvin commented 8 years ago

You guys might have noticed I've been playing with the waffle.io project manager over the weekend. Testing was a bit limited though since my laptop ran out of juice, and I didn't get my charger back until this afternoon.

Let's play around with ZenHub, and see what we can make this baby do for our workflow. :wink:

Btw, we're using the Open Source edition: https://www.zenhub.io/blog/open-source, which currently, only works for Chrome (and Chromium, which I use).

seav commented 8 years ago

FWIW, Cadasta tried Waffle and then switched to ZenHub. (We're also using Slack and Trello.)

govvin commented 8 years ago

So @seav , that officially confirms you're with Cadasta now. :)

seav commented 8 years ago

Officially starting tomorrow, but I'm already onboarding since the weekend.