OSMPH / papercut_fix

Tracking data fixing requests for the OSMPH community
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Review and fix road upgrades/downgrades by "mapper03" #68

Open TagaSanPedroAko opened 4 years ago

TagaSanPedroAko commented 4 years ago

User "mapper03" has been upgrading or downgrading classifications of roads, some of which can be contentious, and others which are completely OK (such as those involving those considered inner/collector roads or links to small town centers). I'm not attempting to upgrade/downgrade them until reviewed, so I'm listing some roads (along with relevant changeset and description of route) needing review:

TagaSanPedroAko commented 4 years ago

@seav @maning @ianlopez1115 Can you chime in?

seav commented 4 years ago

Please see my response to the related mailing list thread: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ph/2020-July/006605.html