OSOceanAcoustics / echopop

Generating biological estimates for animal "pop"ulation from echosounder data
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Is `para.proc.age1_haul=[0]` used in the parameter files? #239

Open leewujung opened 7 months ago

leewujung commented 7 months ago

Not sure if para.proc.age1_haul=[0] is used for some years or whether it is functional for some years but not the others.

Meeting notes:

Tagging @rebeccathomas-NOAA @brandynlucca

rebeccathomas-NOAA commented 6 months ago

The two places I saw the actual para.proc.age1_haul variable be set to anything other than empty or 0 were: (1) proc_parameters_2011

Observations: (1) 2010 and 2014 were big hake year classes, so we would have seen lots of age-1's in 2011 and 2015, so Chu may have felt it was necessary to exclude age-1's those years but not earlier years.
(2) He only excluded the age-1 hauls in 2015 when looking using INPFC strata. 2015 was the year with the most age-1's mingled in with adults, and this could have had a big impact on the INPFC estimate if age-1's were not consistently removed.

Thoughts: I think Chu was running into some problems with age-1's that he was dealing with only when he saw them. I also speculate that as Chu developed EchoPro, he dealt with age-1's in more sophisticated ways (like allowing whether or not age-1s were included to be set with a flag, as the current version has). But that back in 2015, when Chu was bringing EchoPro together as a program, he didn't have that flag in use yet.