OSP123 / myspace-lookup-tool

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Implement a request to the Wayback Machine API #13

Closed OSP123 closed 1 month ago

OSP123 commented 1 month ago

User Story: As a developer, I would like to test out the utility of the Wayback Machine API in the application, so that I can implement and test the full functionality of the website retrieval.

OSP123 commented 1 month ago

We have found the more advanced API for the Wayback Machine and it allows us to search using a keyword to determine how many urls exist for that user across all Wayback snapshots: https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback/tree/master/wayback-cdx-server

OSP123 commented 1 month ago

Right now, the Wayback Machine advanced API seems to give us the capability of finding the urls that we need based on a keyword, whiih is a username for MySpace.

Do we utilize the 200 status code urls and have those urls displayed for the user to click on? Do we add some information to each url for each snapshot before the user clicks on them? Do we want to preview the page before a user clicks on the urls?

Let's just display the urls for right now, so that users can reach the enpoints.