OSRSB / OsrsBot

A RuneLite bot automation extension API for Old School RuneScape
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FEATURE] Camera movement with mouse #17

Open GigiaJ opened 4 years ago

GigiaJ commented 4 years ago

Allow the camera to turn and contort using the mouse or keyboard (allow the decision to be saved as a setting in the login files) This will prevent our bots from having similar move patterns.

f0rmatme commented 4 years ago

Could snap the camera to directions like a compass click

clientThread.execute(() -> client.runScript(143, PITCH, YAW)); //pitch = 128-512, yaw = 0-2048

GigiaJ commented 4 years ago

Are you saying to make the client re-orientate instantly? Does any 3rd party client do this already? (RuneLite or any variations) Genuinely intrigued.

f0rmatme commented 4 years ago

Some 3rd party clients do yes, i think maybe a external plugin in OpenOSRS does this.

GigiaJ commented 4 years ago

Alright. I'll look into adding that. If possible I want enough variation in behavior, but consistent per account. As this API is just now really starting, I don't know what behaviors are detectable for bots, but obviously every bit helps. You've been a lovely help with your suggestions. Do continue! :)

f0rmatme commented 4 years ago


@GigiaJ This has some good infos, should read it over.

GigiaJ commented 4 years ago

Wild, vuurman actually sent the exact same link earlier today via discord. I'm sure I can look into further making our mouse movements less predictable and less likely to produce a pattern. Thanks man.