OSSDC SIM - Self Driving Car Simulator based of LGSVL
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Build LGSVL on Ubuntu #9

Open freetureAI opened 2 years ago

freetureAI commented 2 years ago

Hi, there. Is there any demo or introduction for installing and building the simuluator on Ubuntu ? Thanks!

mslavescu commented 2 years ago

The build from source instructions are here: https://race.ossdc.org/docs/installation-guide/build-instructions/

But I'll need to fix this problem first, before you can pull the repo properly: https://github.com/OSSDC/OSSDC-SIM/issues/8

mslavescu commented 2 years ago

To install it on Ubuntu just download and unzip the release zip from here: https://github.com/OSSDC/OSSDC-SIM/releases/tag/OSSDC-SIM-v1.1

and run the integrated run-OSSDC-SIM-v1.sh script to launch it.

If you have issues launching it, see this issue for extra details: https://github.com/OSSDC/OSSDC-SIM/issues/7

See this pages for details how to use it with Autoware.Auto:

https://github.com/OSSDC/OSSDC-SIM-Demos/tree/main/simulations/LVMS-Dallara-AutowareAuto-2-EGOs https://github.com/OSSDC/OSSDC-SIM-Demos/discussions/2