OSSDC / OSSDC-SmartCities

Simulations of Smart Cities from the perspective of Self Driving Cars
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Autonoumous-Driving Car - a different vision #4

Open angelocarbone opened 6 years ago

angelocarbone commented 6 years ago

My vision about Autonomous-Driving Car

I’ve always claimed that the concept of Self-Driving Car can’t exclude the concept of sharing knowledge. In a few words, why reconstruct an information when already exists and/or has been already calculated by another agent (a sdc for example).

Then, I’m very sure that it is impossible (or stupid) to think to build a car that not share information with a system in which it lives.

Told this, we should think an autonomous-car that is able to adopt three different states:

  1. Self-Driving Car: car is completly autonomous. Use different technologies (LiDAR, Radar, Camera, IMU, ...) to move into an environment.
  2. Hybrid-Self-Dring Car: car interact with the environment (Smart City and Autonomous Car) sharing information that permits itself to know how to move into.
  3. Reliant-Driving Car: car is completely under control of the Smart City that catches information from the environment (using sensors and Autonomous Car) to drive the car.
ppirrip commented 6 years ago

For item 2) and 3), the concept should be mindful of privacy and security concern. Those concerns should not be scoped item, and maybe even not technology related, but need to be aware of.

Although it is for self-driving car, but user interaction/interference should be considered also, especially in a crowded city environment.

angelocarbone commented 6 years ago

@ppirrip your considerations are right. My punctuation should be useful to do a guideline for our project. There are different concepts of SDC developed by different companies. After this, I know that our project refers to human-assistant concept. Right?