OSSPhilippines / paymongo

A lightweight Node.js client for Paymongo API
MIT License
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Requiring @babel/runtime #19

Open dayvough opened 4 years ago

dayvough commented 4 years ago

After installing paymongo on an empty express app and running the ff code, it errors out.

const paymongo = require("paymongo");

Something similar to this link.

jofftiquez commented 4 years ago

Hello! Thank you for submitting an issue.

dayvough commented 4 years ago

I don't think I need to make another issue for this one but there's another typo I found in the paymentMethods area

  data: {
    attributes: {
      type: 'card' // The only available type for now is 'card'.
      details: {
        card_number: '4343434343434345',
        exp_month: 02,
        exp_year: 23,
        cvc: '123',

After the type: 'card' part, it's missing a comma.

buonzz commented 4 years ago

the only way im able to get it to work is by requiring the runtime in my app explicitly npm i @babel/runtime is this the intended use-case for this?

kimberleyvarona commented 4 years ago

Do we have corresponding pod dependencies for React Native? Thank you in advance :)

jofftiquez commented 4 years ago

the only way im able to get it to work is by requiring the runtime in my app explicitly npm i @babel/runtime is this the intended use-case for this?

Hello, it's not the intended use-case, but it's one way to fix this. I will look into this. Thanks.

jofftiquez commented 4 years ago

Do we have corresponding pod dependencies for React Native? Thank you in advance :)

Hello @kimberleyvarona none so far, however, I don't see the purpose of have one. This package is explicitly for node server use only. I'm not quite familiar with React Native, but is it possible to use this in React Native?

kimberleyvarona commented 4 years ago

Ohh I see. I found some community contribution to React Native library providing support with Paymongo. But I believe it would be best if it would be coming from you guys. By the way, I manage to play around with the API and use Webview for the meantime.

digipigeon commented 3 years ago

+1 on having this problem, would love to see this dependency dropped and have a native implementation.

jofftiquez commented 3 years ago

+1 on having this problem, would love to see this dependency dropped and have a native implementation.

I'll add this to the pipeline. Thanks.