OSSPhilippines / personal-well-being-dashboard

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What Reddit user data to pull? #3

Open bibookss opened 3 months ago

bibookss commented 3 months ago

Hi, I'm trying out redditwarp, a Python wrapper for the Reddit API.

What data do we need to pull from Reddit? I'm assuming it has something to do with posts, comments, upvotes, downvotes. Is my assumption correct?

philgerardsoto commented 3 months ago

Hello. Yes. At the very least, for the Reddit user (repo user), we need to answer the question what subreddits, posts and comments am I reading, interacting with, and creating? Reddit chats and private messages are good too if they're available. The timestamp is important because eventually we'll categorize Reddit content consumed/created, and correlate with other well-being metrics such as mood levels.