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Question on why chromium-x11 (kirkstone) always builds and does not use sstate cache #834

Open bbergquist0930 opened 1 week ago

bbergquist0930 commented 1 week ago

I have a shared sstate-cache and for 99% of the recipes that is being used correctly however for chromium-x11, it always seems to want to compile and 3 hours later I have it built.

Once built on my system, then it does not seem to get rebuilt. But if I use a different system with the connection to the up to date sstate-cache, it will rebuild again on that system.

There must be some sort of dependency that seems to system specific that is in the signatures but I have not been able to find it and exclude it yet.

So my question is if anyone knows what this might be?

OldManYellsAtCloud commented 1 week ago

You can compare the signatures (with bitbake-dumpsig) of the repeated steps between two runs to see what change has triggered the rebuilding. See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/TipsAndTricks/Understanding_what_changed_(diffsigs_etc)