OSTP / PhysicsArtofModelling

First year calculus-based textbook
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Deleting The Letovers #298

Closed JoshuaRinaldo closed 5 years ago

JoshuaRinaldo commented 5 years ago

I really thought I already got these. I would have removed many of these earlier, but I was hesitant to because I was afraid that I would make the exact mistake I did yesterday (accidentally deleting an actual textbook chapter). I've run through these chapters and they are all QuestionLibrary chapters. Once this pull is approved, I will take the changes I made and merge the cleaned up master into them (chapter by chapter).

ryanmartinneutrino commented 5 years ago

Are you sure that there are no lingering figures as well?

JoshuaRinaldo commented 5 years ago

I thought I managed to get rid of all of them, but it looks like there may be a few more leftover. I'll submit another pull request which removes the residual figures shortly.

ryanmartinneutrino commented 5 years ago

ok, you can keep the same branch and make new changes. Be 100% certain that you don't delete images that are actually part of the textbook.