OSU-Capstone-Team-Gentoomen / GoogleTV-App

GoogleTV app for CS 46*
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Support other types of file shares #16

Open buchanae opened 11 years ago

buchanae commented 11 years ago

This is a sort of "meta" issue for supporting more types of file sharing. We can discuss what types to target next here, and a new issue should be created for each individual type.

Ideas: -NFS -FTP -AFP

dfontenot commented 11 years ago

I haven't seen any Java libraries for AFP yet. A preliminary Google search for NFS is returning a few Java Stackoverflow posts. The one library I found for NFS is http://java.net/projects/yanfs. However, it looks like it was designed for the web and not as a standalone library. It also looks pretty abandoned. If we couldn't get NFS working any other way we could always see how they access NFS in their code.

buchanae commented 11 years ago

We agreed in class that FTP should be the next target.

buchanae commented 11 years ago


WillYu91 commented 11 years ago

This will be low priority.