OSU-MC / MyClassroom

📋Open-Source Classroom Polling Application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Deleting / Editing Existing Courses, Sections, Questions, Lectures #24

Open karinocheretny opened 10 months ago

karinocheretny commented 10 months ago

User story statement: “As a Professor, I want to be able to edit and delete certain courses, sections, questions, and lectures, so that if there is a typo, a mistake, or outdated data I can fix it.”

Background: Why do we want it? We want to be able to edit and delete certain things in order to provide a better user experience. Enabling professors to edit and delete content helps ensure that the information provided to students is accurate, up-to-date, and of high quality. Additionally, Maintaining error-free and relevant content can enhance student engagement and comprehension, leading to a more effective learning process.

Who is this for? This feature is primarily for professors and instructors who create and manage course materials. The feature is indirectly also for students, as they would benefit from this feature by receiving more accurate and engaging educational content.

Do we have data to support it? The system in place does not support editing/and deleting of backend data such as those mentioned above.

functional requirements:

non-functional requirements: -user interface should be administrators and friendly -Before allowing the deletion of any significant content the system must display a clear confirmation dialog box. The warning message should prompt the user to confirm their intent by requiring them to click on an "OK" or "Delete" button, ensuring a deliberate and conscious decision. -deleting and editing should be quick and not cause delays -deleting and editing should be available at any points -feature should not compromise the integrity of the overall database

Dependencies: blocked by: #18 (evaluate backend)

blocking: N/A

Estimate: 5 user points. I estimate this to take a few days as it requires moderate effort.

Acceptance Criteria: Administrators are able to edit and delete existing courses, sections, questions, and lectures without compromising any dependencies or affecting any other objectives. User is warned before deleting important content and has to confirm before deletion. Deleted material is removed from any interface within the system.

Definition of done: Code is free of bugs, gone through unit, and integration testing. PR is created and approved. Code is merged to main and ready for deployment. Feature is ready to be presented to customer.

nilsstreedain commented 3 months ago

Note from previous group members: "These methods have been implemented in the backend, additional changes may be wanted, but the project should be ready frontend development"