OSU-NLP-Group / LLM4Chem

Official code repo for the paper "LlaSMol: Advancing Large Language Models for Chemistry with a Large-Scale, Comprehensive, High-Quality Instruction Tuning Dataset"
MIT License
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redundant tags after load the dataset #1

Closed coffezhou closed 1 month ago

coffezhou commented 2 months ago

After load the dataset, I find that there are some redundant tags, like "\ \ ...... \ \ ". In addition, I found it is hard to calculate the metrics using in the paper. So could you please open source the evaluation code to reproduce the experimental results. Thanks for your excellent work!

btyu commented 2 months ago

Hi, the redundant tag problem had been fixed. Please download the newest version. We will upload the evaluation code soon and inform you once done. Thank you very much for your interest!

coffezhou commented 2 months ago

Hi, the redundant tag problem had been fixed. Please download the newest version. We will upload the evaluation code soon and inform you once done. Thank you very much for your interest!

Thanks for your reply and excellent work!

btyu commented 2 months ago

Hi, the code for evaluation and training has been uploaded. Please feel free to let us know if you had any questions.