While manually uploading data that was missing due to a different issue, I noticed that some of the data didn't look right. After some research, it seems that any time one of the meters has data > 1000, it treats it as 1 instead of the actual number. See data from May below, where the only correct data is 05/28, which has both meter values under 1000. Every other day comes out to the OSU Operations Lube Shop value + 1 from the other meter.
Fixing the code will be easy, it appears that parseFloat removes everything after a comma, so we just need to remove the commas before parsing on this line
If we need to go back and fix the historical data, we would need to check from 10/23/23 - 06/12/24
While manually uploading data that was missing due to a different issue, I noticed that some of the data didn't look right. After some research, it seems that any time one of the meters has data > 1000, it treats it as 1 instead of the actual number. See data from May below, where the only correct data is 05/28, which has both meter values under 1000. Every other day comes out to the OSU Operations Lube Shop value + 1 from the other meter.
Fixing the code will be easy, it appears that parseFloat removes everything after a comma, so we just need to remove the commas before parsing on this line
If we need to go back and fix the historical data, we would need to check from 10/23/23 - 06/12/24