OSUOSC / website

:octocat: Website for The Open Source Club at the Ohio State University
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Simplify the site and build process #175

Closed J3RN closed 7 years ago

J3RN commented 8 years ago

My commentary

Grunt also needs to be investigated more fully, but I've already spent over an hour on this.

Suggested courses of action

keeakita commented 8 years ago

Specifically re CDNing things: There are concerns about this for privacy reasons. As a largely privacy focused org, we really don't want users to have to users automatically pull 3rd party assets and leak browser info unless it's absolutely necessary. Hosting these ourselves gets rid of the problem. If there is a way to link to these resources without having a referer sent, that would likely be good enough.

J3RN commented 8 years ago

Well, the natural alternative is to vendor-drop these. Which is, really, what Bower does, except Bower keeps them up-to-date (sort of). That can be your call.

egladman commented 8 years ago


The ubuntu fontface is already scheduled to be removed, see issue #84. As for the other ones, they will NOT be removed, as the remaining two fonts serve different purposes (i.e. headings & body)

Grunt compilation

I intentionally wrote it this way. The jekyll plugins are buggy and poorly supported. libsass (the JS implementation of sass) compiles faster unlike it's ruby counterpart.


Grunt is extensively used, therefore will never be removed.


Will not be remove. I feel VERY strongly about this. I absolutely hate version controlling third-party libraries, so therefore I use bower, which requires node.


right now it isn't hurting anyone. If jade was ever removed i would insist on compiling everything to html. (foregoing haml, slim altogether)

egladman commented 8 years ago


I indeed want to use CDNs for the fonts, but @oslerw is heavily resistant.

IMO it is asinine to self-host static content such as fonts and js libraries.

normalize.scss is used instead of normalize.css so that I can easily concat it into the remaining sass files. This way I have one less http request.

the fonts are indeed bower dependencies so that I can source the fonts locally during development.

J3RN commented 8 years ago

@egladman @oslerw You two fight it out about CDN vs. vendor-drop, I have no horse in this race.

If you'd like to use JavaScript tooling instead of the Jekyll/Ruby tooling, why not migrate to a JavaScript static-site framework? It'd probably be less painless at this point than trying to switch to Ruby tooling. A quick Google suggests Wintersmith or Metalsmith.

egladman commented 8 years ago

@J3RN @oslerw fixed the jQuery CDN problem 4f5c422cb066871e24436965a60bb503d884ab5a

egladman commented 8 years ago

removed the bundler plugin as it was used in-conjunction with another plugin that is no longer used 0335d3a00a544dd6b5f4c943c29b024a9bed5750

egladman commented 8 years ago

@J3RN After much thought and i will replace all .jade files with .html. This way people will have to learn one less thing if they wish to contribute to the site.

I'm still on the fence about coffeescript.

smacz42 commented 7 years ago

WILL NOT FIX - new site