OSUPCVLab / PCVLabDrone2021

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Unable download the datasets #1

Closed PHChenGit closed 4 months ago

PHChenGit commented 4 months ago


This work is so amazing, so I try to reproduce on my own uav. However, I cannot download the datasets you provided, because the system requires OSU accounts. Do you provide the others way to download the datasets?


JianliWei1995 commented 4 months ago


Happy to hear that. May I know which datasets you cannot download or can you request any access on your end? If so I can approve your request immediately.


PHChenGit commented 4 months ago

Hi @JianliWei1995

I followed the UAV Geolocalization module Readme.md instrutions to download datasets. Here is the Readme.md screenshot to show the link position in the Readme.md. Screenshot from 2024-02-27 09-35-41

If you allow, I hope I can download the all images and videos. It is because of that I want to followed the methods metioned in the paper at the beginning to make sure I am doing right. Then, I will try to make my own datasets.

Thank you.

JianliWei1995 commented 4 months ago

Sorry about the inconvenience. Can you please provide your email so I can share the folder with you then you can download the datasets with the link?


PHChenGit commented 4 months ago

Thanks. This is really great and so kind of you for all the follow up answers. My email is t112598072@ntut.org.tw . Thank you again. It is really helpful.

JianliWei1995 commented 4 months ago

Link was shared to your email. You can also try opening this link from incognito window https://buckeyemailosu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/wei_909_buckeyemail_osu_edu/EsKgV2SqsXxGv9abhpAyWJ8BNDzGAPKsaUTD8jot28q47w?e=GaUAQb

PHChenGit commented 4 months ago

It is really helpful. Thanks you again. I have already download the all datasets.