OSVAI / GridConv

The official project website of "3D Human Pose Lifting with Grid Convolution" (GridConv for short, oral in AAAI 2023)
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For testing on Internet Videos #2

Closed aviralchharia closed 1 year ago

aviralchharia commented 1 year ago

Hi, can you share the setting used for running GridConv on Internet Videos? Also, did you used simple Matplotlib to visualize the final Output?

kyang-06 commented 1 year ago

Demo for Internet videos is produced as follows:

  1. Obtain 2D pose x_det by running HRNet frame by frame.

(Optional) Smooth pose sequence. We use One-Euro filter to alleviate temporal jitter.

  1. Normalize 2D pixel coordinate by x_norm = (x_det - 0.5L) / 0.5L, where L = max(W, H)

  2. Feed x_norm to D-GridConv model, learnable SGT ver. GT-trained model is used in practice, but technically GT & HRNet model are both okay for inference.

  3. visualize 3D results using Matplotlib as you guess. We modified existing visualization code https://github.com/facebookresearch/VideoPose3D/blob/1afb1ca0f1237776518469876342fc8669d3f6a9/common/visualization.py#L62

    For better visual effect, we add viewpoint animation, and will post modifications below for reference.

kyang-06 commented 1 year ago

Here is the visualization code:


``` # This is a demo code clip for reference, cannot directly run before finishing step 1-4. import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, writers from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import numpy as np import subprocess as sp def get_resolution(filename): command = ['ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-select_streams', 'v:0', '-show_entries', 'stream=width,height', '-of', 'csv=p=0', filename] with sp.Popen(command, stdout=sp.PIPE, bufsize=-1) as pipe: for line in pipe.stdout: w, h = line.decode().strip().split(',') return int(w), int(h) def get_fps(filename): command = ['ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-select_streams', 'v:0', '-show_entries', 'stream=r_frame_rate', '-of', 'csv=p=0', filename] with sp.Popen(command, stdout=sp.PIPE, bufsize=-1) as pipe: for line in pipe.stdout: a, b = line.decode().strip().split('/') return int(a) / int(b) def read_video(filename, skip=0, limit=-1): w, h = get_resolution(filename) command = ['ffmpeg', '-i', filename, '-f', 'image2pipe', '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24', '-vsync', '0', '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-'] i = 0 with sp.Popen(command, stdout = sp.PIPE, bufsize=-1) as pipe: while True: data = pipe.stdout.read(w*h*3) if not data: break i += 1 if i > limit and limit != -1: continue if i > skip: yield np.frombuffer(data, dtype='uint8').reshape((h, w, 3)) def downsample_tensor(X, factor): length = X.shape[0]//factor * factor return np.mean(X[:length].reshape(-1, factor, *X.shape[1:]), axis=1) def render_animation(keypoints, poses, skeleton, fps, bitrate, azim, output, viewport, poses_gt=None, poses_reference=None, elev=15, limit=-1, downsample=1, size=6, input_video_path=None, input_video_frames=None, input_video_skip=0, rot_view=False): """ TODO Render an animation. The supported output modes are: -- 'interactive': display an interactive figure (also works on notebooks if associated with %matplotlib inline) -- 'html': render the animation as HTML5 video. Can be displayed in a notebook using HTML(...). -- 'filename.mp4': render and export the animation as an h264 video (requires ffmpeg). -- 'filename.gif': render and export the animation a gif file (requires imagemagick). """ plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size*(1 + len(poses)), size)) ax_in = fig.add_subplot(1, 1 + len(poses), 1) ax_in.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax_in.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax_in.set_axis_off() #ax_in.set_title('Input') ax_3d = [] lines_3d = [] lines_3d_gt = [] points_3d = [] points_3d_gt = [] trajectories = [] radius = 1.8 for index, (title, data) in enumerate(poses.items()): ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1 + len(poses), index+2, projection='3d') ax.view_init(elev=elev, azim=azim) ax.set_xlim3d([-radius/2, radius/2]) # ax.set_zlim3d([0, radius]) ax.set_zlim3d([-radius/2, radius/2]) ax.set_ylim3d([-radius/2, radius/2]) ax.set_aspect('auto') ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax.set_yticklabels([]) # ax.set_zticklabels([]) #ax.set_xlabel('x') #ax.set_ylabel('y') #ax.set_zlabel('z') ax.dist = 7.5 ax.set_title(title) #, pad=35 ax_3d.append(ax) lines_3d.append([]) lines_3d_gt.append([]) points_3d.append([]) points_3d_gt.append([]) trajectories.append(data[:, 0, [0, 1]]) poses = list(poses.values()) # Decode video if input_video_path is None and input_video_frames is None: # Black background all_frames = np.zeros((keypoints.shape[0], viewport[1], viewport[0]), dtype='uint8') else: if input_video_path is not None: # Load video using ffmpeg all_frames = [] for f in read_video(input_video_path, skip=input_video_skip, limit=limit): all_frames.append(f) effective_length = min(keypoints.shape[0], len(all_frames)) all_frames = all_frames[:effective_length] else: all_frames = input_video_frames keypoints = keypoints[input_video_skip:] # todo remove for idx in range(len(poses)): poses[idx] = poses[idx][input_video_skip:] if fps is None: fps = get_fps(input_video_path) if downsample > 1: keypoints = downsample_tensor(keypoints, downsample) all_frames = downsample_tensor(np.array(all_frames), downsample).astype('uint8') for idx in range(len(poses)): poses[idx] = downsample_tensor(poses[idx], downsample) trajectories[idx] = downsample_tensor(trajectories[idx], downsample) fps /= downsample h, w, _ = all_frames[0].shape initialized = False image = None lines = [] points = None if limit < 1: limit = len(all_frames) else: limit = min(limit, len(all_frames)) parents = skeleton.parents() def update_video(i): nonlocal initialized, image, lines, points for n, ax in enumerate(ax_3d): ax.set_xlim3d([-radius/2 + trajectories[n][i, 0], radius/2 + trajectories[n][i, 0]]) ax.set_ylim3d([-radius/2 + trajectories[n][i, 1], radius/2 + trajectories[n][i, 1]]) # Update 2D poses joints_right_2d = skeleton.joints_right() colors_2d = np.full(keypoints.shape[1], 'black') colors_2d[joints_right_2d] = 'red' if not initialized: #image = ax_in.imshow(all_frames[i], aspect=1.3) image = ax_in.imshow(all_frames[i], aspect='equal') for j, j_parent in enumerate(parents): if j_parent == -1: continue if len(parents) == keypoints.shape[1]: # Draw skeleton only if keypoints match (otherwise we don't have the parents definition) lines.append(ax_in.plot([keypoints[i, j, 0], keypoints[i, j_parent, 0]], [keypoints[i, j, 1], keypoints[i, j_parent, 1]], c='pink')) col = 'red' if j in skeleton.joints_right() else 'black' for n, ax in enumerate(ax_3d): if poses_gt is not None: pos_gt = poses_gt[i] lines_3d_gt[n].append(ax.plot([pos_gt[j, 0], pos_gt[j_parent, 0]], [pos_gt[j, 1], pos_gt[j_parent, 1]], [pos_gt[j, 2], pos_gt[j_parent, 2]], zdir='z', c='green')) pos = poses[n][i] lines_3d[n].append(ax.plot([pos[j, 0], pos[j_parent, 0]], [pos[j, 1], pos[j_parent, 1]], [pos[j, 2], pos[j_parent, 2]], zdir='z', c=col)) for n, ax in enumerate(ax_3d): if poses_gt is not None: pos_gt = poses_gt[i] points_3d_gt[n] = ax.scatter(pos_gt[:,0],pos_gt[:,1],pos_gt[:,2],s=10, c='green') pos = poses[n][i] points_3d[n] = ax.scatter(pos[:,0],pos[:,1],pos[:,2],s=10,c='black') points = ax_in.scatter(*keypoints[i].T, 10, color=colors_2d, edgecolors='white', zorder=10) initialized = True else: image.set_data(all_frames[i]) for j, j_parent in enumerate(parents): if j_parent == -1: continue if len(parents) == keypoints.shape[1]: lines[j-1][0].set_data([keypoints[i, j, 0], keypoints[i, j_parent, 0]], [keypoints[i, j, 1], keypoints[i, j_parent, 1]]) for n, ax in enumerate(ax_3d): if poses_gt is not None: pos_gt = poses_gt[i] lines_3d_gt[n][j-1][0].set_xdata([pos_gt[j, 0], pos_gt[j_parent, 0]]) lines_3d_gt[n][j-1][0].set_ydata([pos_gt[j, 1], pos_gt[j_parent, 1]]) lines_3d_gt[n][j-1][0].set_3d_properties([pos_gt[j, 2], pos_gt[j_parent, 2]], zdir='z') pos = poses[n][i] lines_3d[n][j-1][0].set_xdata([pos[j, 0], pos[j_parent, 0]]) lines_3d[n][j-1][0].set_ydata([pos[j, 1], pos[j_parent, 1]]) lines_3d[n][j-1][0].set_3d_properties([pos[j, 2], pos[j_parent, 2]], zdir='z') for n, ax in enumerate(ax_3d): if poses_gt is not None: pos_gt = poses_gt[i] points_3d_gt[n]._offsets3d = (pos_gt[:,0],pos_gt[:,1],pos_gt[:,2]) pos = poses[n][i] points_3d[n]._offsets3d = (pos[:,0],pos[:,1],pos[:,2]) if rot_view: ax.view_init(azim=time_to_azim(i), elev=elev) points.set_offsets(keypoints[i]) print('{}/{} '.format(i, limit), end='\r') fig.tight_layout() anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update_video, frames=np.arange(0, limit), interval=1000/fps, repeat=False) if output.endswith('.mp4'): Writer = writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=fps, metadata={}, bitrate=bitrate) anim.save(output, writer=writer) elif output.endswith('.gif'): anim.save(output, dpi=80, writer='imagemagick') else: raise ValueError('Unsupported output format (only .mp4 and .gif are supported)') plt.close() def time_to_azim(i): # first 10 frames, azim=0 # next 180 frames, azim increase # next 10 frames, azim=180 # then reverse sign = 1 if (i // 200) % 2 == 0 else -1 if sign == 1: if i % 200 < 10: azim = 0 elif i % 200 > 190: azim = 180 else: azim = (i % 200) - 10 else: if i % 200 < 10: azim = 180 elif i % 200 > 190: azim = 0 else: azim = 180 - ((i % 200) - 10) return azim def animate3(video_fname, pose2d_seq, pose3d_seq, fps, input_video_frames=None, output_fname='out.mp4', elev=0, downsample=1, rot_view=False): from libs.skeleton.skeleton import Skeleton h36m_skeleton = Skeleton(parents=[-1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 8, 11, 12, 8, 14, 15], joints_left=[4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13], joints_right=[1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16]) from copy import copy pose3d_seq = copy(pose3d_seq) render_animation(pose2d_seq, pose3d_seq, h36m_skeleton, fps=fps, bitrate=6000, azim=0, elev=elev, downsample=downsample, output='%s'%output_fname, viewport=(800, 600), input_video_path=video_fname, input_video_frames=input_video_frames, rot_view=rot_view) # Assume 3D estimations are stored in outputs_pack. # video_dir, video_fname are predefined arguments. interval = 1 repeat_time = 1 downsample_res = 4 pose3d_pack_for_vis = OrderedDict({key: np.tile(outputs_pack[key][::interval, :, [2,0,1]] * [-1,1,-1], (repeat_time,1,1)) for key in ['GCN', 'LCN', 'PoseAug', 'Ours']}) print('Loading images...') image_frames = [] vcap = cv2.VideoCapture(os.path.join(video_dir, '%s.mp4'%video_fname)) ret = True while ret: ret, img = vcap.read() if not ret: break img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = cv2.resize(img, np.array(img.shape[:-1][::-1])//downsample_res) #print(img.shape) image_frames.append(img) image_frames = np.tile(image_frames[::interval], (repeat_time,1,1,1)) animate3(None, np.tile(pose2d_h36m_order_smoothed[::interval], (repeat_time,1,1))/downsample_res, pose3d_pack_for_vis, fps=24, input_video_frames = image_frames, output_fname=os.path.join(result_dir, '%s 3d %.1fscale.mp4'%(video_fname, scalar)), elev=30, rot_view=True) ```

aviralchharia commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much! So outputs_pack will contain the 3D estimations generated from GridConv, i.e., after following Steps 1-3?

kyang-06 commented 1 year ago

Not accurate, outputs_pack = {'Ours': np.ndarray([T, 17, 3]), 'PoseAug': np.ndarray([T, 17, 3]), ...}, where T is video length, and np.ndarray is what you describe.

aviralchharia commented 1 year ago

Thanks, it resolved my doubt! Lastly, for running on internet videos, we first need to obtain 2D pose x_det by running HRNet frame by frame. Are you here referring to the standard HRNet model trained on MS-COCO (i.e., https://github.com/HRNet/HigherHRNet-Human-Pose-Estimation)? Thanks once again!

kyang-06 commented 1 year ago

Exactly, it is the repository we use. And we choose pose_hrnet_w48_384x288 model trained on COCO.

aviralchharia commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much!