OSVR / OSVR-HDK-Windows-Drivers

Drivers and related code/data for improving the hardware experience for the HDK on Windows
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Instructions for getting certificates? #6

Closed mithro closed 8 years ago

mithro commented 8 years ago

This looks like exactly what I need for Windows users of my open hardware products (being CDC and UVC devices, they don't need anything under other operating systems). However, I don't really understand much about how you go about getting the signing certificates needed. Any chance you could provide a link to some documentation? I assume there is some horrible procedure with Microsoft?

Thanks for this awesome work!

rpavlik commented 8 years ago

Glad you've found it useful! I'd be excited to hear/see what you're working on!

CDC devices no longer need an inf in Windows 10, and I'm pretty sure UVC devices, as long as they report the right class IDs, shouldn't need an inf even in earlier versions of Windows (there's a class usbvideo.inf generic file) unless you're doing fancy stuff like this https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff568123

If you look for "signing inf files" you should be able to find what you need - I think starting around here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff544865(v=vs.85).aspx

(If you find the exact or best/good page, please re-open this, or pull request and I'll stick it in the docs since that's a very good question - when I was working on this actively I had windows and windows, each with probably 15 tabs open, all to MSDN on driver-related things, so I wasn't in a good position to be able to think of "this is the one link about signing requirements")

Win10 increases the requirements for kernel-mode drivers, but these are just inf files using microsoft-written kernel mode drivers, so you don't need an EV cert (at least, I haven't). We used DigiCert for the CA. If you poke around that web site, there is a link that if you take it from Microsoft's site instead of starting right at DigiCert, you can get a pretty good discount on the certs, but it still is a few hundred bucks.

The other alternative, depending on your security view of things, is using something like libwdi (which generates locally a one-time-use signing cert on the end-user machine to sign a driver, trust it, and install it, then destroys the private key). I made a few changes in a fork of libwdi to be able to do that to install CDC drivers on devices that had the wrong VID/PID without signing them with our "good" cert - see https://github.com/sensics/ForceInstallCDC (my little quickie app, apache 2.0) and https://github.com/sensics/libwdi (the libwdi fork it uses, which is lgpl 3 IIRC). Wasn't my preferred way to go, since I can manually install the driver for the right vid/pid on the wrong one after clicking past a warning or two, but couldn't find a way to automated that path (and would ideally like to have the counterpart program to remove the driver and trusted cert once the firmware update to fix the vid/pid has been flashed), but it's certainly a method, and seems to be widely used for the libusb drivers that libwdi is primarily designed for. (Like I said, I had to fork it to be able to install a lowly cdc inf).

On the topic of VID/PID - don't poach somebody else's - if you're truly OSHW, OpenMoko (a rather-defunct open smartphone project) has a process you can go through to get one of theirs assigned to you. (which I just heard about a few days ago)

Hopefully this helps! Please keep in touch - I'd love to hear what other open source hardware OSVR is helping to support/enable! My email is at my website ryanpavlik.com or you can email the OSVR email list, or just right to me: ryan at sensics followed by dot and com of course.

mithro commented 8 years ago

@rpavlik Thank you for the super detailed reply!

The libwdi method actually sounds like it would be useful for us. We use libusb for doing firmware upgrades and our board has a FX2 IC for doing the USB interface which means it can be configured to appear as pretty much anything. The libwdi approach seems to give us a lot of options without having to fork over any cash :)

I have started customizing your drivers stuff at https://github.com/mithro/HDMI2USB-and-Numato-Opsis-Windows-Drivers

My project is the HDMI2USB -- we are developing open source hardware (and FPGA firmware) for the capture of user group and conferences. Our current system allows you to capture a HDMI signal by appearing as a USB webcam (uvcvideo) and USB serial port (cdc-acm). The serial port allows you to control the multiple HDMI inputs and outputs and set things like resolution.

Normally we run everything under Linux (which is super easy). However, we recently launched our first piece of open hardware (the Numato Opsis) and I'm looking at ways to expand the audience who can use the board. As Windows users still make up a huge percentage of the planet, I've been trying to figure out how to make using the board painless for them.

BTW We have been allocated USB IDs for our prototype platform from OpenMoko, for the production board our manufacturing partner is providing them.