Package for authoring OSVR experiences with Unity.
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Builds from Unity freeze in HMD #209

Open amigax opened 7 years ago

amigax commented 7 years ago

I am exporting a working scene from unity, but when I run it it appears on the headset then just freezes (on screen if I have direct mode ticked in my vr cams in project then I can still see the app running and even the head tracking working, but in the headset just a frozen still). I am having to use core snapshot 0.6.1320 because if I go to the newer ones (tried many) I always get back to cannot create render manager. Finding the right combination of unity, osvr core seems almost impossible compared to back when it used to just work!..

amigax commented 7 years ago

I dont know why but this has stopped happening, I could use lower res than hd to stop it but now it isnt happening at all.

nanospork commented 7 years ago

Just wanted to voice that, after a fresh Windows install, I had this happen too!

Started up a build in Direct Mode and the screen was frozen. Dropped the resolution and it works fine. Went back up and it started up frozen again.

Will report back if it also magically goes away after some time.

amigax commented 7 years ago

yes I still observe this in "good" or higher quality around 50% of the time.

nanospork commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I'm running into the issue again, in both Direct and Extended mode, even when setting the app at a lower resolution. Happens even with the new package build provided in #208.

nanospork commented 7 years ago

Playing around with the quality settings, it looks like it may be related to V-sync.

@amiga Can you try disabling V-sync to see if that gets rid of the problem for you as well? (Edit->Project Settings->Quality; go through each of the Levels and set V Sync Count to "Don't Sync")

I seem to remember reading somewhere that it was recommended to turn V Sync off for VR (possibly OSVR specifically) anyway.

DuFF14 commented 7 years ago

Correct, V-sync should be set to "Don't Sync"

DuFF14 commented 7 years ago

@amiga any updates on this issue? are you using HDK2 or another HMD?

Regarding you original post, there shouldn't be any compatibility issues with OSVR-Core and OSVR-Unity. If Rendermanager fails to create, it's more likely a driver, hardware, firmware, or configuration issue.

Not sure if this helps but FWIW, my workflow is to install the latest OSVR SDK from here, and then download the latest Unity package from here, replacing the one in my existing Unity project by closing the project, opening it again, and importing the package before hitting play. If RM fails to create in Unity, I run the RenderManager example programs included with the SDK to see if it's just a Unity issue or not. Usually if there's an issue, the RM example programs won't work either, then it's a matter of troubleshooting the issues mentioned above. If the RM examples do work and RM still fails in Unity, I test a fresh import of the plugin in a new project.

Definitely make sure your firmware is updated if you are using HDK, there are some known issues with direct mode with older firmware.

amigax commented 7 years ago

HDK2 with newest firmware (hdk2svr-2.00.hex) I am still getting it in good quality or above, I am sticking to "fastest" to avoid it. To be honest I have not tried turning off vsync yet, I need to give that a go.

DuFF14 commented 7 years ago

Confirmed that vsync causes a freeze.