NOTE: I had to set 'path_for_results':'test' ... otherwise I receive a key error
The problem that happens after running the prediction is, that the system can't find the location '../data\LSFM\mouse_1\C00'
It'd be great if you could help me out here.. I assume it is just a little problem but I can't figure it out.
Probably something with the location of the LSFM data.
Hello! :)
I try to run the with the LSFM dataset.
However it won't work..
Files are located at: /AIMOS/data/LSFM/mouse1/scan_native.nii.gz /AIMOS/data/LSFM/mouse1/GT.nii.gz /AIMOS/data/LSFM/mouse1/scan_pi.nii.gz
Define parameters
dataset = 'LSFM' scanname = 'mouse_1' modelname = '' basepath = '../'
Define paths & read in data
path_CIDs = basepath + 'data/' + dataset + '/trainingCIDs' path_scan = basepath + 'data/' + dataset + '/' + scanname + '/scan_native.nii.gz' path_gt = basepath + 'data/' + dataset + '/' + scanname + '/GT.nii.gz' CIDs = filehandling.pload(path_CIDs) vol_scan = filehandling.readNifti(path_scan) vol_gt = filehandling.readNifti(path_gt)
config = {'dataset': dataset, 'trainingCIDs': CIDs, 'path_for_results':'test/'} config = AIMOS_pipeline.complete_config_with_default(config)
NOTE: I had to set 'path_for_results':'test' ... otherwise I receive a key error
The problem that happens after running the prediction is, that the system can't find the location '../data\LSFM\mouse_1\C00'
It'd be great if you could help me out here.. I assume it is just a little problem but I can't figure it out. Probably something with the location of the LSFM data.