The GNU MathProg implementation of OSeMOSYS
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Trade between REGIONS lacks parameters #62

Open HauHe opened 3 years ago

HauHe commented 3 years ago

OSeMOSYS contains the parameter TradeRoute that allows to define the connection of REGIONs. However, there are no parameter to define capacity, minimum or maximum flow, or similar for the trade links. Hence one would need to define these aspects by introducing additional fuels and technologies in the regions if one uses the parameter TradeRoute. In practice most people seem not to use the set REGION and TradeRoute when creating multi-region models.

With this issue I'd like to initiate a discussion if one should expand the representation of trade by introducing additional parameters. As an argument to do so I see that a fully functional trade feature in OSeMOSYS would make the use of the set REGION more attractive. The use of the set REGION could also make attempts to have standardized visualization scripts or similar easier.