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Availability constraint issue #74

Open Negarnmz opened 3 years ago

Negarnmz commented 3 years ago

Dear OSeMOSYS team, I am trying to build a super simple case study with OSeMOSYS momani interface. The model has only two electricity generation technologies (one representing the fossil fuel available for both day and night time slices and the other representing a renewable tech available only in days). I defined the availability of two techs as follows:

Availability for renewable technology is calculated as 2000 hours/8760 hours = 0.23 The same for fossil fuel techs equal to 8000/8760 = 0.91

On the other side, for the capacity factor, I put the data as follows: Renewables: Day: 1 Night: 0 Fossil Fuel: Day: 0.5 Night:0.5 There is one issue in the results. However, I am not quite sure if it is a bug or I am simply defining the parameters for the availability constraints in a wrong way.

By fixing the min new annual installed capacity of the technologies, in the last year, the renewable technology is producing more than its availability. (availability = totalcapacitycapacityfactorcapacity _to_activity_unit).

Please find the case study so called Negar, the second scenario in momani website:

I am running the model with GLPK solver in a windows machine using momani online interface with chrome browser. Thank you in advance

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