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Filtering OSeMOSYS UseByTechnology results #3

Open AgnesBelt opened 3 years ago

AgnesBelt commented 3 years ago

When filtering results by fuel from UseByTechnology.csv, some of the values returned are not correct.

UseByTechnology.csv provides results in the following format: Region Timeslice Technology Fuel Year Value
Globe ID ALUPLANT C1_S_ELC 2010 0.9782
Globe ID ALUPLANT C1_S_ELC 2011 0.9822
Globe ID ALUPLANT C1_S_ELC 2012 1.0104
Globe IN ALUPLANT C1_S_ELC 2010 0.9782
Globe IN ALUPLANT C1_S_ELC 2011 0.9822
Globe IP ALUPLANT C1_S_ELC 2010 0.9782
Globe IP ALUPLANT C1_S_ELC 2011 0.9822

It seems there is an issue with summing the values for technology/fuel combination across different timeslices. Per each year, the script should filter the technology(ALUPLANT)/fuel(C1_S_ELC) combination and sum all values across different timeslices. If more technologies are aggregated and filtered based on the same fuels, the sum of all technologies(e.g. ALUPLANT,CEMPLANT,STEPLANT)/fuel(C1_S_ELC) combinations across timeslices should be returned.

Taking as example the filtering of secondary electricity (fuel = C1_S_ELC) used by Industries (technologies = ALUPLANT, CEMPLANT, FERTPLANT, PAPPLANT, PETAPLANT, PETBPLANT, STEPLANT) in GLUCOSE, the following results as indicated under FinalEnergy|Industry|Electricity in here should be obtained.