To allow for capacity expansion targets defined across all nodes within a country. To my knowledge currently we can only set constraints at the individual technology level through TotalAnnualMinCapacity[r,t,y] which is at the nodal level. However, that does mean that we currently can only set capacity expansion targets for countries that are modelled as single-node-per-country.
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Suggested Soltuion
This might require a new parameter in OSeMOSYS? @tniet, @abhishek0208 or @trevorb1 will have to confirm.
To allow for capacity expansion targets defined across all nodes within a country. To my knowledge currently we can only set constraints at the individual technology level through TotalAnnualMinCapacity[r,t,y] which is at the nodal level. However, that does mean that we currently can only set capacity expansion targets for countries that are modelled as single-node-per-country.
Is your feature related to a bug?
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Suggested Soltuion
This might require a new parameter in OSeMOSYS? @tniet, @abhishek0208 or @trevorb1 will have to confirm.
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