OT-CONTAINER-KIT / redis-operator

A golang based redis operator that will make/oversee Redis standalone/cluster/replication/sentinel mode setup on top of the Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
731 stars 206 forks source link

Incomplete CRDs in latest published helm repository? #1000

Closed zumbuschms closed 1 week ago

zumbuschms commented 1 week ago

Describe your question As we have encountered issues with deletion of PVCs during uninstallation of Redis replication charts using 0.15.1 of the operator, I was searching the current documentation and found the keepAfterDelete option. As that feature was added in 0.16.0, I decided to update the operator to the latest version and downloaded the archive from the helm repo, as our deployment environment doesn't have Internet access (helm pull ot-helm/redis-operator). Checking the downloaded archive, I was not able to find any definitions for keepAfterDelete in the CRDs and when I compared the content of the 0.16.1 download with the 0.15.1 version we had used since September 2023, all files were identical.

Is the new feature not yet available in the published helm charts, although the info announces version 0.17.0 of the operator?

Output of helm show chart ot-helm/redis-operator

apiVersion: v2
appVersion: 0.17.0
- alias: certmanager
  condition: certmanager.enabled
  name: cert-manager
  repository: https://charts.jetstack.io
  version: v1.12.4
description: Provides easy redis setup definitions for Kubernetes services, and deployment.
home: https://github.com/OT-CONTAINER-KIT/redis-operator
icon: https://github.com/OT-CONTAINER-KIT/redis-operator/raw/master/static/redis-operator-logo.svg
- operator
- redis
- opstree
- kubernetes
- openshift
- name: iamabhishek-dubey
- name: sandy724
- name: shubham-cmyk
name: redis-operator
- https://github.com/OT-CONTAINER-KIT/redis-operator
version: 0.16.1

What version of redis-operator are you using? chart version: 0.16.1 app version: 0.17.0

drivebyer commented 1 week ago

@zumbuschms , Please try https://github.com/OT-CONTAINER-KIT/helm-charts/releases/tag/redis-operator-0.16.4