OT-CONTAINER-KIT / redis-operator

A golang based redis operator that will make/oversee Redis standalone/cluster/replication/sentinel mode setup on top of the Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
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How to enable istio using this redis operator? #575

Open jdafda opened 11 months ago

jdafda commented 11 months ago

What version of redis operator are you using?


What did you do?

I have added istio injection enable using this method : https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/service_mesh/v2x/prepare-to-deploy-applications-ossm.html

What did you expect to see? I am expected to see two pod running , one with redis leader or redis follower and one for envoy proxy

What did you see instead? I see just one pod running.

Is there any documentation about how to enable istio for redis using this operator. also i want to use redis proxy client using filters, any kid of document will be useful here.

Let me know in case more info needed.

drivebyer commented 11 months ago

as far as i know, envoy is injected as sidecar to pod, not seprate pod.

jdafda commented 11 months ago

Correct and I am able to fix that , now issue is I applied envoy filter for my redis cluster, gossiping protocol work fine , but still have issue with redis client. I am following this https://github.com/zhaohuabing/istio-redis-culster