OTRF / 2021-OceanLotus-workshop

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Research Ocean Lotus #3

Open plugxor opened 3 years ago

plugxor commented 3 years ago

Research Ocean Lotus for the emulation plan

Each member research the Ocean Lotus group over this next week (09FEB-13FEB). Add comments and links to the favorite reports on this issue when it meets the following criteria.

Interesting, unique, group-specific techniques leveraged Quality vendor reputation if attributed - description of how attribution was made Clear analysis of malware and how it's used in the environment Operating systems targeted automated vs. manually entered commands

cat-alyst commented 3 years ago

Review current stack of work


cat-alyst commented 3 years ago


Stretch Goal:

cat-alyst commented 3 years ago
Initial Infection November 2020 https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/20/k/new-macos-backdoor-connected-to-oceanlotus-surfaces.html
Steganography Usage April 2019 https://threatpost.com/oceanlotus-apt-uses-steganography-to-shroud-payloads/143373/
Windows - discusses how they change as IOCs are published March 2019 https://www.welivesecurity.com/2019/03/20/fake-or-fake-keeping-up-with-oceanlotus-decoys/
Awesome report with a list of tools 2017 https://www.cybereason.com/hubfs/Cybereason%20Labs%20Analysis%20Operation%20Cobalt%20Kitty-Part2.pdf

Key Behaviors

cat-alyst commented 3 years ago

Goal Discussion from 13FEB21 meeting - build out read me, define scope, continue research, submit public release for companies, and continue scenario. Approve of Cat's idea regarding human right activist company.

Stretch Goal

Still todo

Decided to emulate a human rights organization, which is in alignment with the victimology of Ocean Lotus.